
Sample repo for WalletConnect bug

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sample repo for WalletConnect bug WalletConnect/walletconnect-monorepo#3913


Downgrade @walletconnect/web3wallet to v1.9.1

Root cause of the issue

When a Node polyfill is used, the newest version of @walletconnect/web3wallet throws error this.events.off is not a function.

If you edit the vite.config.ts file of this project and remove the polyfill, the pairing will succeed.

Reproduce the issue

Clone and start the sample:

git clone https://github.com/peterpeterparker/web3wallet-issue-3913
cd web3wallet-issue-3913
npm ci
npm run dev

Try to establish a connection for example with https://app.uniswap.org/swap?chain=goerli


wallet-connect.providers.ts:163 {context: 'core'} {context: 'core/relayer'} {context: 'core/relayer/subscription'} TypeError: this.events.off is not a function at At.off (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:5976:19) at EventEmitter.o (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:6233:42) at emitOne (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:110:21) at EventEmitter.emit (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:309:11) at At.addSubscription (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:6076:85) at At.setSubscription (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:6073:173) at At.onSubscribe (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:6056:10) at At.subscribe (chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:5959:21) at async chunk-ODB2RJWI.js?v=cc7e6155:6238:11