
A sample webpage to render Real Time chart with AppSyncClient

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A sample webpage to render Real Time chart with AppSyncClient

Set up


Create an AppSync API with following schema

type ChartData @aws_iam
@aws_api_key {
	x: AWSTimestamp!
	y: Int!

type Mutation {
	updateData: ChartData

type Query {
	getChartData: ChartData

type Subscription {
	dataUpdatedSubscription: ChartData
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateData"])

schema {
	query: Query
	mutation: Mutation
	subscription: Subscription

Create resolver(s) using Datasource of your choice and attach to updateData and getChartData.


Create a file config/config.js using the sample config/example.config.js and update with GraphQL endpoint, region and API Key.

Run the app

npm run start