A collection of some real-world work use cases of ChatGPT at work.
- Use both rg and fg together to search for specific things in specific files
- Debounce or throttle a command in lua / hammerspoon
It took 3 tries but I finally got my answer:
- I need javascript regex that follows this set of rules:
Keys may contain alphanumeric characters ., -, and _.
- I need to add a 2nd function that replaces all instances of non-alphanumeric characters, ., -, and _ with .
- I've made changes to a file in git. I want those changes to persist locally without pushing them up to Github and having to continue undoing the changes. What command can I run to assume the changes haven't changed?
- Convert to React Native:
- Convert to Typescript
- Finding all occurences of "hello" using Grep: