
PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI.

Primary LanguageSwift

Carthage compatible


PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI.



  • > Cartfile
  • nano Cartfile
  • put github "peterprokop/PPSwiftGifs" into Cartfile
  • Save it: ctrl-x, y, enter
  • Run carthage update
  • Copy PPSwiftGifs.framework from Carthage/Build/iOS to your project
  • Make sure that PPSwiftGifs is added in Embedded Binaries section of your target (or else you will get dyld library not loaded referenced from ... reason image not found error)
  • Add import PPSwiftGifs on top of your view controller's code


  • Just clone this repo and add PPSwiftGifs.swift to your project.
  • Add ImageIO.framework to your project.
  • Add #import <ImageIO/ImageIO.h> to bridging header.


Swift 5. For older Swift versions please check previous releases.


imageView.image = PPSwiftGifs.animatedImageWithGIF(named: "gif_name")

(File named "gif_name.gif" should be present in your project and copied as a bundle resource. Currently you can't add GIFs to asset catalogs.)

Alternatively, you can construct animated image from data:

imageView.image = PPSwiftGifs.animatedImageWithGIF(data: data)


PPSwiftGifs is written by Peter Prokop but borrows heavily from uiimage-from-animated-gif project by Rob Mayoff.


You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests