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This Website

This website is published on Github Pages.

Slate Theme

It is based on the Slate Theme

Configuration variables

Slate will respect the following variables, if set in your site's _config.yml:

title: [The title of your site]
description: [A short description of your site's purpose]

Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables:

show_downloads: ["true" or "false" to indicate whether to provide a download URL]
google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID]


If you'd like to add your own custom styles:

  1. Create a file called /assets/css/style.scss in your site
  2. Add the following content to the top of the file, exactly as shown:
    @import "{{ site.theme }}";
  3. Add any custom CSS (or Sass, including imports) you'd like immediately after the @import line

Note: If you'd like to change the theme's Sass variables, you must set new values before the @import line in your stylesheet.


If you'd like to change the theme's HTML layout:

  1. Copy the original template from the theme's repository
    (Pro-tip: click "raw" to make copying easier)
  2. Create a file called /_layouts/default.html in your site
  3. Paste the default layout content copied in the first step
  4. Customize the layout as you'd like

Overriding GitHub-generated URLs

Templates often rely on URLs supplied by GitHub such as links to your repository or links to download your project. If you'd like to override one or more default URLs:

  1. Look at the template source to determine the name of the variable. It will be in the form of {{ site.github.zip_url }}.
  2. Specify the URL that you'd like the template to use in your site's _config.yml. For example, if the variable was site.github.url, you'd add the following:
      zip_url: http://example.com/download.zip
      another_url: another value
  3. When your site is built, Jekyll will use the URL you specified, rather than the default one provided by GitHub.

Note: You must remove the site. prefix, and each variable name (after the github.) should be indent with two space below github:.

For more information, see the Jekyll variables documentation.

Previewing the page locally

If you'd like to preview the theme locally (for example, in the process of proposing a change):

  1. Clone down the theme's repository (git clone https://github.com/pages-themes/slate)
  2. cd into the theme's directory
  3. Run script/bootstrap to install the necessary dependencies
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve to start the preview server
  5. Visit localhost:4000 in your browser to preview the theme