
I love Code Train and it's Coding Challenges. So I've decided to make my own Elm Train and Elm Challenges. Some examples I rip the coding challenge straight from coding challenge. Others I will just try something new. Instead of P5JS I'll try to (try) re-create them in Elm.

Primary LanguageElm

  _________  ____/ (_)___  ____ _
 / ___/ __ \/ __  / / __ \/ __ `/
/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / 
\___/\____/\__,_/_/_/ /_/\__, /  
        __          ____                    
  _____/ /_  ____ _/ / /__  ____  ____ ____ 
 / ___/ __ \/ __ `/ / / _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ _ \
/ /__/ / / / /_/ / / /  __/ / / / /_/ /  __/
\___/_/ /_/\__,_/_/_/\___/_/ /_/\__, /\___/ 
   ___         ____ 
  <  /        / __ \
  / /        / / / /
 / /   _    / /_/ / 
/_/   (_)   \____/  


  • Build something using Elm and SVG (or any library that lets me create SVG)
  • lets build a bullseye.
  • upload to github
  • bullseye



  • working observation:
  read, think then write code
  :ElmMake to check it works in vim
  ./g.sh -i src/Main.elm -a 
  python -m http.server 5000
  • Issue with MacCASOutreach book on elm and graphicssvg

Working code examples required

Fistly this is a great read and "Thinking Algebraiclly WIth Elm" only decent text I've found on GraphicSVG and Elm .

I have found a problem with the code examples, (no import statements) I understand why, page space is limited. This does nothing for the reader. Do you think a future link to working code will be included?

What I found

Going through the examples in Ch5 and even the simplest of examples at P31 require you to understand and dig through the APIs to work out the import statements.

So instead of:

 -- CH5, P30 
 main = graphicsApp { view = view }
 view = collage 300 300 []

readers need the following:

-- CH5, P30 working example
module Main exposing (main)

import GraphicSVG exposing (circle, collage, filled, red, scale)
import GraphicSVG.App exposing (graphicsApp)


main =
    graphicsApp { view = view }


view =
    collage 300
        [ circle 25
            |> filled red

I've left the spacing in using elm-format to give you an idea of how the formatter displays the code. Working code examples help. Code comprehension and presentation go hand in hand.

  • wrote some code that compiles


  • uninstall is impressive
  • purple
  • 138,43,226
  • 230, 230, 250
  • try some demo code

    module Main exposing (main)

    import Html exposing (Html) import Svg exposing (..) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)

    main = svg [ viewBox "0 0 400 400" , width "400" , height "400" ] [ circle [ cx "50" , cy "50" , r "40" , fill "purple" , stroke "purple" , strokeWidth "3" ] [] ]

  • install latest svg package

    $ elm install elm/svg

  • find latest svg package