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step by step

step 1
1st user	- create repo on github
		- mkdir repo
		- git init
		- git commit stuff
		- git remote add origin
		- git push -u origin master
step 2
2nd user	- git clone
		- git config --global "user_yyy"
  		- git config --global ""
  		- git config --list
		- git commit -a -m "update README"
		- git push origin master
step 3
1st user	- git pull
step 4
1st user	- git checkout -b story_x
		- git add story_x.txt
		- git commit -a -m "add a change for story_x"
		- git push origin story_x
step 5
1st user	- git branch --set-upstream story_x origin/story_x	#for remote pull
2nd user	- git fetch
		- git checkout story_x		# will track remote branch story_x
		- git commit stuff
		- git push origin story_x
step 6
1st user	- git pull
		- resolve conflicts on README (step5 added by both users)
		- git commit -a -m 'conflict fixed'
		- git status
		- git diff
		- git log
		- git commit -a -m 'update README for step 6'
		- git push origin story_x
step 7
2nd user	- git branch
		- git checkout master
		- git checkout -b story_y
		- update README
		- git add README
		- git commit -v
		- git push origin story_y
		- git branch --set-upstream story_y origin/story_y
step 8
1st user 	- git fetch
		- git checkout story_y
step 9
2nd user	- vi story_y
		- git add story_y
		- git commit -a -m 'add story_y'
step 10
1st user	- git checkout story_y
		- git pull
		- update README
		- update story_y.txt
		- git commit -a -m 'add changes for story y'
		- git push origin story_y
		- do pull request on github
2nd user	- reviews pull request
		- approves
		- does the merge and closes the pull requestA
step 11
2nd user	- git checkout master
		- git branch -d story_y
		- git push origin :story_y
1st user	- git checkout master
		- git pull
		- git remote prune origin		# remove tracking of deleted remote branches - story_y 
		- git branch -d story_y			# delete local branch story_y
step 12(conflict scenario - README on master has been changed)
2nd user        - git checkout story_x
                - git pull
                - edit README
                - commit -a -m 'update README - step 12/user_yyy'
                - git checkout master
                - git pull
                - git checkout story_x
                - git merge master
1st user        - git checkout story_x
                - git pull
                - edit README
                - git commit -a -m 'update README - step 12/user_xxx'
step 13
2nd user	- fix conflicts
		- git commit -a -v
		- git push origin story_x
step 14
1st user	- git pull		# gets updates made by user_yyy
		- resolve conflicts
		- git commit -a -v
		- git push origin story_x
		- request pull request
step 15
2nd user
		- git pull
		- review pull request
		- approve changes
		- merge and close pull request
		- git checkout master
		- git branch -d story_x			# delete local branch story_x
		- git push origin :story_x		# delete remote branch
		- git remote show origin
step 16
1st user	- git checkout master
		- git pull
		- git remote prune origin
		- git branch -d story_x
		- git remote show origin
step 17 (scenario when master is changed before pull request for story_x is completed)
1st user	- git checkout master
		- git checkout -b hotfix_a		# create new branch - hotfix
		- update README
		- git commit -a -v
		- git push origin hotfix_a
		- pull request to merge to master
		- approved
		- merged and closed
		- git checkout master
		- git branch -d hotfix_a
		- git push origin :hotfix_a
step 18
2nd user	- update master
		- git merge master
		- edit conflicts
		- git commit -a -v 'updated story x with latest changes from master'
		- git push origin story_x
		- create tag for release
		- delete local & remote story_x branch
step 19
2nd user	- git tag "v1.0"
		- git push --tags