ML Traveller

For the ML Traveller tasks I solved the following problems:

  1. Project Euler 96.
  2. Hackerrank

Project Euler Problem 96

This problem is about solving Sudoku puzzles. This problem is rather trivial if you know about constraint logic programming solvers. I picked the Numberjack python library to code my solution in. The Numberjack library lets you code the constraints in python and uses a number of efficient constraint solvers in the back to efficiently solve the problem.

Final solution


The Missing Characters

In the missing characters problem missing characters (represented by #) in words need to be predicted.

IPython notebook link with description of solution.

The final file submitted to Hackerrank

Predict the Missing Grade

In the missing grade problem final grades for a Mathematics course taken by a student need to be predicted given grades from other courses done by that student.

IPython notebook link with description of solution.

The final file submitted to Hackerrank