Setup an end to end example project for JFrog Platform Deployment leveraging the JFrog free trial.
You will need to have a fresh instance of JFrog Platform whether it is commercial or a free trial
You'll need to create 3 Pipelines integrations - see documentation in order to setup JFrog Pipelines to work with your Artifactory & Distribution services, as well as pull the Pipelines sample code from GitHub.
1.1.1 In order to create a GitHub integration, you need the generate a GitHub Personal Access token first. As also stated in the documentation instructions below, generate a Github Personal Access Token with the following permissions:
* repo (all)
* admin:repo_hook (read, write)
* admin:public_key (read, write)
An example token would look like that 2f3ed30dec7537a56064436cbedacc00813d247d
1.1.2 Create a Pipelines integration of type GitHub named "GitHub" and provide connection details generated according to the documentation.
In order to create an Artifactory integration, we recommend that you'll generate an API Key following these instructions.
Create a Pipelines integration of type Artifactory named "Artifactory" and provide the details for your Artifactory access (URL, admin user and password/apikey).
As an example:
Admin user -
Password/APIKey - AKCp8hyPw7CP3GuGCxqThixEJCjjuY26v1BotRtVctcdcgudsn7JDMBvHBYfDCMyGD6Htu65Y'
Create a Pipelines integration of type Distribution named "Distribution" and provide connection details to your Distribution endpoint.
As an example:
Admin user -
Password/APIKey - AKCp8hyPw7CP3GuGCxqThixEJCjjuY26v1BotRtVctcdcgudsn7JDMBvHBYfDCMyGD6Htu65Y
Note that the integration names must match the source name in the yaml configuration and are case-sensitive
2.1 Fork the following two (2) repositories:
- (Make sure you fork the following branch: eplus-v2-orbitera or simply "all branches")
2.2 Next we'll need to modify some of the configuration in the forked code:
2.2.1 Go to Hoare/pipelines/base_init.yml and modify the following values based on your github path.
- name: demo_gitRepo
type: GitRepo
path: [your_Github_username]/Hoare <<<--- CHANGE HERE
gitProvider: GitHub
- name: gitRepo_code
type: GitRepo
path: [your_Github_username]/project-examples <<<--- CHANGE HERE
gitProvider: GitHub CHANGE
include: eplus-v2-orbitera
2.2.2 Go to Hoare/pipelines/more_resources.yml and modify the following values based on your artifactory server name.
- name: Distribution_Rule
type: DistributionRule
sourceDistribution: Distribution
serviceName: [servername] <<<--- CHANGE HERE
siteName: "[servername]" <<<--- CHANGE HERE
cityName: "*"
- "*"
2.3 Add your forked repository (forked from shimib/Hoare) as a pipelines source. You can follow the instructions here on how to add a "Single-branch" source
> Enterprise+ Trial: Use --
Pipeline Config File Filter : pipelines/.*\.yml
> Free tier: Use --
Pipeline Config File Filter: pipelines/base_.*yml
You're all set now, and ready to initialize your environment and run your first Pipelines!
4.1. Run the init pipeline 1st which should: Create users, groups, permissions, repositories, Xray policies & watches, update Xray indexes and setup Access Federation.
4.2. Run the gradle_build pipeline
4.3. Run the npm_build pipeline
4.4. (The distribution pipeline should be triggered automatically)
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Shimi Bandiel 💬 📖 👀 📢 |
Saurav Agrawal 📖 👀 🔧 |
Ronen Lewit 📖 👀 🔧 |
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details