- Clone this repository. See the instructions in Week 1 for details: https://github.com/aipdx-wdim387/week1.
- In your copy of this repository, create a subdirectory. Name the subdirectory with your name (for example: danmuzyka).
- Complete the Project: Building an Address Book project on Codecademy. When you get to the last screen (6/6), select all of the code, copy it, and save it in a file named addressbook.js.
- Complete the Project: Building a Cash Register project on Codecademy. When you get to the last screen (7/7), select all of the code, copy it, and save it in a file named cashregister.js.
- Add both files to the subdirectory you created in your copy of this repository.
- Commit the files and push to GitHub.
- Send a pull request to the original copy of this repository.
- If you get really stuck trying to submit this over Git, put the two files into a ZIP file and send me the ZIP file over e-mal: danmuzyka.ai@gmail.com.