
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Allows you to share your Radarr/Sonarr lists with others, without having to give them your Radarr API key, or open external ports to Radarr/Sonarr. :)

Possible uses

  • You dont want to publish trakt lists
  • You know someone that wants to just copy your lists in Radarr/Sonarr for themselves.
  • You want to get updates from a trusted source for a specific genre of movies or shows.
  • You want to share your radarr/sonarrs lists, but dont want to open ports to these apps on your network, nor want to share API keys. image


    container_name: exportarr
    image: petersem/exportarr
      TOKEN: "xyzzy" #[Optional] if you want to have a token to limit access to exportarr
      RADARR_URL: ""
      RADARR_TOKEN: "yourradarrtokenhere"
      SONARR_URL: ""
      SONARR_TOKEN: "yoursonarrtokenhere"
      - 1234:3000


  • Open a browser and go to http://hostIP:port?token=yourexportarrtokenhere
  • Open a port for exportarr or set it up in your reverse proxy
  • Open radarr - settings - lists - '+' - 'StevenLu Custom', then change the title and paste in the url from the exportarr list you want to use. image
  • Open sonarr - settings - lists - '+' - 'Custom List', then change the title and paste in the url from the exportarr list you want to use. image