
Mocking for Mongoose

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##What is Mockgoose?

Mockgoose is a simplified in memory database that allows you to perform actions on Mongoose Models without having a running instance of MongoDB.

The main purpose of Mockgoose as you may have guessed from the name is to allow you to mock out your mongoose database during testing so that you do not have to spin up a new database for every test and teardown that same database afterwards.

##Install To install the latest official version, use NPM:

npm install mockgoose --save-dev

To run the tests and see what is supported by Mockgoose navigate to the Mockgoose folder and run the test suite

npm test

##Usage You simply require Mongoose and Mockgoose and wrap Mongoose with Mockgoose.

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mockgoose = require('Mockgoose');


Once Mongoose has been wrapped by Mockgoose all calls to connect() and createConnection() will be intercepted by Mockgoose so that no MongoDB instance is created.

Currently supported model operations are.



$push + $each
$addToSet + $each


multi   : 0/1 defaults to 0
upsert  : true/false defaults to false
sort    : one level of sorting for find operations {sort: {name:1}}

##Validators Mockgoose includes support for validators and the unique field key.

Mockgoose comes with a reset() method that allows you to reset the Mockgoose database simply call


to delete all the collections and models in the database or call

mockgoose.reset('schema name') 

to delete all the associated models for a schema.


###1.0.6 Added bunyan logger. You can set the log level with

npm test | node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan

###1.0.5 Added $pullAll support http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/update/pullAll/

###1.0.4 Added $pushAll support http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/update/pushAll/

###1.0.3 Added $addToSet support http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/update/addToSet/

###1.0.2 Added $inc support http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/update/inc/

###1.0.1 Added the ability to search in chains. as in


Model.find({'user.profile.name' : 'john'}).exec();

###1.0.0 Complete rewrite to implement a mock driver for mongodb instead of returning mock models.

###0.2.7 Fixed connect/createConnection issue where connect was delegating to createConnection instead of returning the first mongoose connection.

###0.2.6 Made model names case insensitive 'SimpleModel' and 'simplemodel' are now classed as the same model.

###0.2.5 Added sort to find operations. Fixed an issue with calling mongoose.model('modelName') without a schema that was returning a real Mongoose Model it now correctly returns a Mocked Mongoose Model. Fixed count() so that you do not need to pass a query as the first param

###0.2.4 Aligned Mockgoose.connect() and Mockgoose.createConnection() with the Mongoose API. You can now pass host, database, port, options, callback to the connections in the same manner as mongoose http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#connection_Connection.

The only options value that will be used is the db value all other options will be ignored.

Adresses issue 1 mccormicka#1

###0.2.3 Added dependency on lodash

###0.2.2 Minor update

###0.2.1 Fixed a bug where find on number values was not working correctly.

find({value:1}, function(err,result){});

###0.2.0 Increment version number, fixed event emitter bug.

###0.0.21 Added tests for findOneAndUpdate / findByIdAndUpdate

###0.0.20 Added all find methods and aligned api's so that the fields and options.fields values work.

###0.0.19 Large code refactor to make the project more maintainable in preparation for API alignment.

###0.0.18 Removed connection error as we always error due to the fact Mockgoose is a mock and never really connects.

###0.0.17 Minor bug fixes

###0.0.16 Added the Model.count() method. Fixed various issues with jshint Added grunt runner so you can just call grunt and it will run jshint and the jasmine tests

###0.0.15 Fixed NPE when passing null options to update

###0.0.14 Removed toJSON copy inside mock model so that 3rd party libraries can manipulate mongoose json output without it affecting mockgoose.

###0.0.13 Added support for $push with $each and {multi:0/1}

###0.0.12 Fixed Update() method so that it works correctly with static and model updates.

###0.0.11 Added support for findAndUpdate() {upsert:true} option.

###0.0.10 Removed findAll() and made find() and findOne() work with empty objects {} to keep inline with Mongoose API.

###0.0.9 Fixed boolean comparisons

###0.0.8 Fixed findOneAndUpdate() so that it saves the object after updating if no error is thrown

###0.0.7 Added support for $pull of multiple items at once. {$pull:{values:{name:{$in:['one', 'two']}}}}

###0.0.6 Added support for $pull operator Added support for update(); Added support for findOneAndUpdate()


Added support for $in operator for finds