
bash script to find valid MAC addresses on Stalker Portal servers

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


mcbash (for mac checker bash version) scans for valid MAC addresses on Stalker Portal servers.

It's a fast, modular and user-friendly script. Just feed it with a server URL or IP, and let it check by itself.


If you're an Arch user, you can install from the AUR with yay -S mcbash. Else, simply :

git clone https://github.com/dougy147/mcbash
cd mcbash
sudo make install

Then just launch :


or directly with arguments :

mcbash my-fakedns.org:8080 -t 4 -L '00:1A:79:AB:CD:EF'

Adapt to your needs

As servers may differ in the way they handle requests, one need to adapt.

The key feature of mcbash is flexibility. It comes with handy options to manage your requests. mcbash --help display most common options. For "advanced" settings, read the manual (man mcbash).

Option Functionality
-k, --keep Store expired MAC (valid addresses but expired accounts)
-b, --break Make a break every X requests
-d, --pause-for Break duration (in seconds)
-s, --stop Stop McBash after X tested MACs
-t, --timeout Consider request a timeout after X seconds
-u, --url Server's URL/IP
-w, --wait Wait X seconds between each requests
-np, --default Don't ask for parameters. Use default configuration

By default, MACs are checked randomly. If you want to screen a specific range, use --range.

Option Functionality
--range Check MACs in sequential order
-F, --from Set first MAC to check (--range is forced)
-L, --to Set last MAC to check (--range is forced)

🆕 You can now tell mcbash to use your proxy (credentials supported too).

Option Functionality
-P, --proxy Set the proxy URL (any authentication method supported
-pu, --proxy-user Set your proxy credentials user:password

🆕 Only redirect found MAC addresses to stdout.

Option Functionality
--show-only-mac Only outputs found MACs (useful if you want to redirect stdout to another program)

Change default parameters

The config file (mcbash.conf) is created during the install process here : $HOME/.mcbash/mcbash.conf. Change some values according to your needs.

MACs are stored

Did you close your terminal ? Don't worry, when a valid MAC is found, it is stored in mcbash directory : $HOME/.mcbash.

Go full command line 😎

When executing mcbash with arguments (except for -u and --range alone), it will generally assume you know what you're doing, and won't ask questions. Else, it will prompt you for settings. Check below for options you can manually set.

Size sometimes matters

For 00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx-like MAC addresses (the most commonly used), there are $16^6$ possibilities (≈16.7million). Collision probability on sparsely populated servers is low by definition. So, there won't be too much matches on small ones!

"I hate the colors"

  • Solution 1 : join the colorblind gang.

  • Solution 2 : colors are set with tput (e.g. tput setf 1). Change its value from 0 to 7. If you know of a more universal/efficient way to color text, please contact me.

Use examples

  • mcbash -u my-fakedns.org:8080 -w 1.5 -b 10 -d 3 -s 1500 -t 2

The program sleeps 1.5 seconds between each requests, pauses every 10 requests for 3 seconds, stops after 1500 MACs checkeds, and consider timeout after 2 seconds (timeouts trigger a pause to avoid flood).

  • mcbash -u my-fakedns.org:8080 -F 00:1A:79:00:00:00 -L 00:1A:79:00:11:11

Scan from first (-F) to last (-L) provided MAC.

  • mcbash -u my-fakedns.org:8080 --proxy http://localhost:12345 --proxy-user user:password

Tells mcbash to communicate through proxy http://localhost:12345 with user:password username and password.

Instructions for the careless mind

Power is all relative, and this program's is pretty low; even quite harmless. However, I must release myself of any responsibility in the way you will use this program. Indeed, its use might be unappropriate in your country.

As far as I understand (i.e. poorly), imperative programming is like stacking bricks on top of each other. If there's nothing wrong stacking, climbing the pile might. That way, it's unnecessary to say I'm only responsible for sharing a recipe one could find all the ingredients thanks to any search engine.

So, illegality is not contained in that program. It can only be in its user's behavior. Please use that script consciously, with and on your personal goods only.

Constructive critics are worth it

Don't just pass by, and help improve mcbash. Pull requests are open $24/7$.

Thanks to contributors

How did that help ?

If you (1) are cool enough to know what to do with this 😎 and (2) find this program useful, I'd be glad and thankful :
