## W11 = Mingw64-gcc compiled files and dlls for Windows 11 using sdl 1.2 compat ## osx = Homebrew compiled files under Mac OS Sonoma using sdl 1.2 compat # SALTO - Xerox Alto I/II Simulator. Copyright by Juergen Buchmueller <pullmoll@t-online.de> Partially based on info found in Eric Smith's Alto simulator: Altogether. 0. Change log: ============== Jan. 2024: Minor changes to make it compile under GCC 10+ / Debian 11: With orig. code, LD gives error with multiple definitions. Google suggest to make variables static. Changes in cpu.h/s only were required. Compiles now with debian 11 and GCC 10. --- Old -kr changed to -ku = report unknown keys -kw = write keyboard.conf file -kr = read keyboard.conf file - not required, because is done already at init! Hack to have [ ] with german kbd: Key ^ gives [ - Shift gives { Key <Entf> gives ] - Shift gives } 1.) Building ================================= Things you need before you can give it a try. 1.1) Prerequisites ================================= You need the GNU compiler collection. SALTO was developed and tested with GCC 3.3.3, while others should work. You also need GNU make. Both can be found at http://www.fsf.org/ apt-get install build-essential You also need SDL - Simple Direct Media Layer - installed, and "sdl-config" in your path. It is used to determine the required compiler switches and the path to the SDL libraries. SDL can be found at http://libsdl.org/ apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev Some build tools are required, such as (g)make, ar, ranlib, flex, yacc. You should have these ready, if you installed the GNU binutils, and if you installed the flex and yacc lexer and parser generators. apt-get install flex bison 1.2) Settings ================================= The only really maintainable switch in tha Makefile is the DEBUG=1 or DEBUG=0 switch. With DEBUG=1 you can (and should) select the output generated by running bin/salto. If you just want to execute some code, you should choose DEBUG=0, which removes all the logprintf calls from the code and makes it a lot smaller and faster. 2.) Running ================================= After building a binary by running "make" or "gmake" on the command line, and assuming all went wll, you can now run bin/salto disks/games.dsk.Z 2.1) Running the debug build ================================= There's a whole lot of command line switches to disable and enable the logging for certain tasks and other sections of the emulation. The default settings for logging are: switch name default ----------------------------------------------------- emu emulator task on task1 task 1 on task2 task 2 on task3 task 3 on ksec disk sector task on task5 task 5 on task6 task 6 on ether ethernet task on mrt memory refresh task on dwt display word task on curt cursor task on dht display horizontal task on dvt display vertical task on part parity error task on kwd disk word task on task17 task 17 on mem memory functions off tmr timer functions off dsp display functions off dsk disk functions on drv disk drive emulation on To turn everything off you use "-all", to turn everything on you use "+all". To disable a single type "-switch", to enable it "+switch". Thus if you want to log just the display word task and display functions, your command line would look like this: bin/salto -all +dwt +dsp If you want to supply a software image to load when pressing the "insert" key, you just specify its name after the switches: bin/salto -all +dwt +dsp helloworld.bin To start the emulation in a paused mode and with the debugger window shown first, you add a switch "-d" to the command line: bin/salto -all +dwt +dsp -d helloworld.bin You can toggle between paused mode and running with the "pause" key on your keyboard, and you can toggle between the debugger window and the Alto display with the "scroll lock" key. You can even fine-tune the loglevels with -switch=value or +switch=value. If you want to see just the most important disk function log output: bin/salto -all +dsk=1 While the debugger window is visible, you can use the cursor keys to move the flashing memory cursor: left previous word right next word up previous row (-8 words) down next row (+8 words) page up previous page (-256 words) ctrl + page up 16 pages back page down next page (+256 words) ctrl + page dn 16 pages forward home cursor to top, left in page end cursor to bottom, right in page ctrl + home go to page 0 ctrl + end go to last page space stack address, and follow the address at the cursor back space return to stacked address You can also toggle the display base between octal (o), decimal (d), hexadecimal (h), and ASCII (a) by pressing the corresponding key. If you don't want to see the log output that's written to the console, too, you can just redirect it to /dev/null: bin/salto -all +dwt +dsp -d helloworld.bin >/dev/null Or if you want to keep it for later, you can of course redirect it to a file: bin/salto -all +dwt +dsp -d helloworld.bin >hw.log 2.2) Running the normal build ================================= The only thing you can specify on the command line is the name of a disk image file to open up. Dual disks do not (yet) work right, because there are still bugs to find in the disk drive selection emulation. You can toggle to the debugger window with "scroll lock", and you can inspect memory just like described above. 2.3) Included disks ================================= bcpl.dsk.Z diag.dsk.Z gamesb.dsk.Z games.dsk.Z nonprog.dsk.Z st76boot.dsk.Z tdisk4.dsk.Z tdisk8.bin
SALTO - Xerox Alto I/II Simulator. Not a project of mine, just to keep this code from getting lost