
Drag and Drop sorting for Egui

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Hello Egui!

This projects contains a collection of egui tools I've created during development of the native app for https://hellopaint.io (still unreleased, stay tuned!).

The crates have varying levels of maturity, some are ready for use in production while others are highly experimental. If you're interested in using one of the experimental crates, open an issue, and I'll try to release it on crates.io.

Example app

An example using most of the crates is available here. Source code in fancy-example.

Mature Crates

  • egui_dnd

    • Drag & drop sorting library for egui
    • released on crates.io
  • egui_inbox

    • Simple utility for sending messages to egui uis from other threads / async functions
    • released on crates.io

Experimental Crates