
Intercept HTTP requests and responses. Modify HTTP request/response body. Modify HTTP request/response headers. Redirect requests. HTTP logger. Mock APIs., Inject scripts. Block requests. Modify query parameters

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome HTTP Interceptor

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| Introduction ℹ️

HTTP Interceptor browser extensions makes your development life easy.

This extension designed for developers. HTTP Interceptor built the top of last API's which gives you control over HTTP responses and requests.

By creating a single Rule you can.

| Documentation 📚

Redirect Request 🔀

  1. Insert Rule name
  2. Choose Match Operator (see details)
  3. Insert the URL which need to redirect
  4. Insert the URL where need to redirect
  5. Press Create

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 14 41 37

Block Request 🚫

  1. Insert Rule name
  2. Choose Match Operator (see details)
  3. Insert the URL
  4. Press Create

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 14 34 59

Modify Query Parameters

  1. Insert Rule name
  2. Choose Match Operator (see details)
  3. Insert the URL
  4. Choose Action Operator
  5. Insert header Key
  6. Insert header Value
  7. Press Create

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 14 14 38

Modify Header 🌐

  1. Insert Rule name
  2. Choose Match Operator (see details)
  3. Insert the URL you want to add/remove/append params
  4. Choose Action Operator
  5. Choose Request/Response
  6. Insert header Key
  7. Insert header Value
  8. Press Create

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 14 45 42

Modify Response 🗞️

  1. Insert Rule name
  2. Choose Match Operator (see details)
  3. Insert the URL
  4. Insert header Key
  5. Insert header Value
  6. Press Create

Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 14 49 52

| Match Operators ✨

Contain operator

Contain operator searches provided word in the whole URL

Examples ⬇️

Word  - user
URL    - http://example.com/user
Result - Match ✅

Word   - user
URL    - http://example.com/?key=user
Result - Match ✅

Word  - user
URL    - http://user.com/
Result - Match ✅

Word  - user
URL    - http://example.com/
Result - No Match ❌

Equal operator

Equal Operator is strict matching action however this operator is ignore the protocol (http or https) and last slash (/) end of the URL

Examples ⬇️

Word  - example.com
URL    - http://example.com
Result - Match ✅

Word  - example.com
URL    - http://example.com/
Result - Match ✅

Word  - example.com
URL    - https://example.com/
Result - Match ✅

Word  - example.com
URL    - http://example.com/
Result - Match ✅

Word  - example.com
URL    - http://www.example.com/
Result - No Match ❌

Word  - example.com
URL    - http://example.com/user
Result - No Match ❌

Wilcard operator

Wilcard operator uses the asterisk (*) to match the URL

Examples ⬇️

Word  - *example*
URL    - http://example.com
Result - Match ✅

Word  - https://*example.com
URL    - https://www.example.com
Result - Match ✅

For Redirect Request there is more powerful options. Each match with asterisk can be replaced in some parts of the destination URL $[number]

Examples ⬇️

Word                  - https://example.com/*/*/*
URL                    - https://example.com/article/edit/12
Matches             - $1 = article, $2 = edit, $3 = 12
Destination        - https://google.com/$1/$2/$3
Redirected URL - https://google.com/article/edit/12
Result                 - Match ✅

Word                  - *://*.example.com/*
URL                    - https://www.example.com/?age=12&gender=male
Matches             - $1 = http, $2 = www, $3 = ?age=12&gender=male
Destination        - https://google.com/$1/$2/$3
Redirected URL - https://google.com/https/www/?id=12&gender=male
Result                 - Match ✅

Word                  - https://example.com/*/*/*
URL                    - https://www.example.com/article/edit/12
Result                 - No Match ❌