The battle of CSS in JS solutions

This research was conducted by Peter ten Hoor at may 15th 2020.


CSS -> CSS preprocessors -> CSS modules / PostCSS -> CSS in JS / Atomic CSS

Benefits of CSS In JS

  • Styling is scoped (every class will be unique).
  • Only the styling that is used by the rendered components will be loaded.
  • It is no longer CSS. Your entire front-end codebase can be written in Javascript, which (for example) allows you to share variables between client, node server and styling.
  • Offerts the possibility to implement theming without the need of CSS variables.
  • Some packages have caching which means that CSS that was used on the previous pages in your SPA will not be rerendered on the next page (client side performance improvement).

Disadvantages of CSS in JS

  • No BEM.
  • Some developers do not like to mix their styles and JS. They feel like it makes your code messy.
  • No built in util functions like lighten, darken, rgba etc (you can use packages like polished for this).
  • No linting tools.
  • Existing SCSS / LESS mixins, placeholders and functions etc can not be used.


The following packages are the most popular CSS in JS solutions:

Package Weekly downloads Github issues Github stars Last commit
Styled components 1.875.705 117 / 1978 29.3K 21 days ago
JSS 1.421.249 154 / 680 5.7K 22 mar 2020
Emotion 723.034 45 / 940 10.7K Yesterday
Aprodite 296.813 80 / 146 5K 28 Aug 2019
Glamor 143.650 65 / 210 3.6K 11 sept 2017
Radium 107.485 66 / 516 7.3K 30 dec 2019
Fela 13.688 17 / 384 1.7K 24 days ago
Styletron 11.236 18 / 143 3K 11 days ago

I will not be looking further into Aprodite, Glamor and Radium since these packages seem to be abandoned.

Because of a lack of time I will only benchmark Emotion and Styled components.


Before styling

Bundle sizes

Page                            Size     First Load JS
┌   /_app                       9.62 kB        67.6 kB
├ ○ /404                        2.6 kB         70.2 kB
├ λ /archive-blog               513 B          73.1 kB
└ λ /single-blog                7.32 kB        79.9 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all   67.6 kB
  ├ static/pages/_app.js        9.62 kB
  ├ chunks/commons.93f217.js    10.7 kB
  ├ chunks/framework.96c24f.js  40.3 kB
  ├ runtime/main.837877.js      6.29 kB
  └ runtime/webpack.c21266.js   746 B

Stats in Chrome (incognito)

  • Archive blog
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 15 requests
    • 215kb transferred
    • 355kb resources
    • finish: 88ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 25ms
    • Load: 84ms
  • Single blog (/emotion)
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 15 requests
    • 341kb transferred
    • 502kb resources
    • finish: 113ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 26ms
    • Load: 94ms

Lighthouse performance (mobile 3G)

  • Archive blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.2s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.2s
    • Speed index: 2.2s
    • First CPU idle: 2.2s
    • Time to interactive: 2.2s
    • Max potential first input delay: 80ms
  • Single blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.0s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.0s
    • Speed index: 2.0s
    • First CPU idle: 2.1s
    • Time to interactive: 2.1s
    • Max potential first input delay: 70ms


Bundle sizes

Page                                                           Size     First Load JS
┌   /_app                                                      13.8 kB        82.5 kB
├ ○ /404                                                       2.6 kB         85.1 kB
├ λ /archive-blog                                              668 B          87.2 kB
└ λ /single-blog                                               7.59 kB        94.1 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all                                  82.5 kB
  ├ static/pages/_app.js                                       13.8 kB
  ├ chunks/commons.93f217.js                                   10.7 kB
  ├ chunks/d65d597cd3666401e623cabc91680e4367b5f208.4490fa.js  10.7 kB
  ├ chunks/framework.96c24f.js                                 40.3 kB
  ├ runtime/main.2e0b09.js                                     6.29 kB
  └ runtime/webpack.c21266.js                                  746 B

Stats in Chrome (incognito)

  • Archive blog
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 18 requests
    • 271 transferred
    • 440kb resources
    • finish: 104ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 26ms
    • Load: 101ms
  • Single blog (/emotion)
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 18 requests
    • 396kb transferred
    • 587kb resources
    • finish: 120ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 28ms
    • Load: 114ms

Lighthouse performance (mobile 3G)

  • Archive blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.7s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.7s
    • Speed index: 2.7s
    • First CPU idle: 2.7s
    • Time to interactive: 2.8s
    • Max potential first input delay: 40ms
  • Single blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.8s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.8s
    • Speed index: 2.8s
    • First CPU idle: 2.8s
    • Time to interactive: 2.8s
    • Max potential first input delay: 20ms

Styled components

Bundle sizes

Page                                                           Size     First Load JS
┌   /_app                                                      11.5 kB        84.1 kB
├ ○ /404                                                       2.6 kB         86.7 kB
├ λ /archive-blog                                              688 B          88.8 kB
└ λ /single-blog                                               7.6 kB         95.7 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all                                  84.1 kB
  ├ static/pages/_app.js                                       11.5 kB
  ├ chunks/cacd2cf700197219f0316c514326954fe8dec5ea.f7d0f2.js  14.6 kB
  ├ chunks/commons.93f217.js                                   10.7 kB
  ├ chunks/framework.96c24f.js                                 40.3 kB
  ├ runtime/main.2e0b09.js                                     6.29 kB
  └ runtime/webpack.c21266.js                                  746 B

Stats in Chrome (incognito)

  • Archive blog
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 18 requests
    • 272 transferred
    • 444kb resources
    • finish: 108ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 27ms
    • Load: 104ms
  • Single blog (/emotion)
    • TTFB: 3ms
    • 18 requests
    • 398kb transferred
    • 592kb resources
    • finish: 135ms
    • DOMContentLoaded: 25ms
    • Load: 125ms

Lighthouse performance (mobile 3G)

  • Archive blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.8s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.8s
    • Speed index: 2.8s
    • First CPU idle: 2.8s
    • Time to interactive: 2.8s
    • Max potential first input delay: 30ms
  • Single blog
    • First contentful paint: 2.7s
    • First meaningful paint: 2.7s
    • Speed index: 2.7s
    • First CPU idle: 2.7s
    • Time to interactive: 2.7s
    • Max potential first input delay: 50ms


Emotion has a smaller footprint than styled-components and the performance is pretty much identical. If I had more time I would also benchmark JSS, Fela and Styletron, but for now Emotion is my favorite.


Choosing a CSS in JS library

List of all CSS in JS solutions (outdated)