
Php PDO wrapper

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


DBController is a PHP PDO wrapper that provides a convenient way to interact with a database using the PDO extension.


You can install the package via Composer by running the following command:

composer require peterujah/db-controller


To use DBController, follow these easy steps.

  1. Create an instance of the DBController class by passing the database configuration as an array or a path to a configuration file that returns array.
use Peterujah\NanoBlock\DBController;
// Pass the configuration as an array
$config = [
    'VERSION' => 'mysql',
    'HOST' => 'localhost',
    'PORT' => 3306,
    'NAME' => 'my_database',
    'USERNAME' => 'root',
    'PASSWORD' => 'password',

$handler = new DBController($config);

Or extend \Peterujah\NanoBlock\DBController to set your connection details like below

class Conn extends \Peterujah\NanoBlock\DBController{ 
	public function __construct(bool $development = false){
 		$config = array(
			"PORT" => 3306,
			"HOST" => "localhost",
			"VERSION" => "mysql",
			$config["USERNAME"] = "root";
			$config["PASSWORD"] = "";
			$config["NAME"] = "dbname";
			$config["USERNAME"] = "dbusername";
			$config["PASSWORD"] = "dbpass";
			$config["NAME"] = "dbname";
		$this->onDebug = $development;

Initialize your custom class

$handler = new Conn($_SERVER["HOST_NAME"]=="localhost");

Now run query select, insert, update, delete etc.. using prepare statment

$handler->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username LIMIT 1');
$handler->bind(':username', "Peter");
$res = $handler->getOne();

Or run query select, insert, update, delete etc.. using query

$handler->query('SELECT * FROM users');
$res = $handler->getAll();


Customize the configuration or enable debugging as needed.

// Set a configuration value
$handler->setConfig('VERSION', 'pgsql');

// Enable debugging mode

Error Handling

DBController provides error handling for database operations. You can retrieve the error information using the error() or errorInfo() methods.

// Get the error information for the last statement execution
$errorInfo = $handler->error();

// Print the error message
if ($errorInfo !== null) {
    echo "Error: " . $errorInfo[2];


You can enable debugging mode to get more detailed information about the executed statements by calling the dumpDebug() method.

// Enable debugging mode

// Dump the debug information for the last statement execution


Use the various methods provided by the DBController class to interact with the database.

// Prepare a statement
$query = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id';

// Bind values to parameters
$handler->bind(':id', 1);

//Binds a variable to a parameter.
$handler->param(':id', 1, DBController::_INT)

// Execute the statement

// Fetch a single row as an object
$user = $handler->getOne();

// Fetch all rows as an array of objects
$users = $handler->getAll();

// Get the number of rows affected by the last statement execution
$rowCount = $handler->rowCount();

// Get the last inserted ID
$lastInsertId = $handler->getLastInsertId();

// Free up the statement cursor
Options Description
prepare(string) Call "prepare" with sql query string to prepare query execution
query(string) Call "query" width sql query without "bind" and "param"
bind(param, value, type) Call "bind" to bind value to the pdo prepare method
param(param, value, type) Call "param" to bind parameter to the pdo statment
execute() Execute prepare statment
rowCount() Get result row count
getOne() Get one resault row, this is useful when you set LIMIT 1
getAll() Retrieve all result
getInt() Gets integer useful when you select COUNT()
getAllObject() Gets result object
getLastInsertedId() Gets list inserted id from table
free() Free database connection
dumpDebug() Dump debug sql query parameter
errorInfo() Print PDO prepare statment error when debug is enabled
error() Print connection or execution error when debug is enabled
setDebug(bool) Sets debug status
setConfig(array) Sets connection config array
conn() Retrieve DBController Instance useful when you call "setConfig(config)"

Configuration format

Connection config array example

     PORT => 3306,
     HOST => "localhost",
     VERSION => "mysql",
     NAME => "dbname",
     USERNAME => "root",
     PASSWORD => ""


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


DBController is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.