
Set of Minimal C Utilities

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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                                                  .KMMO.     ,WM0
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  .oOXl;":l0WK. ,kWMN'     :kWMM:   :kWMMXkkkkk'  cXMMk      ,WM0     .kXo;":oXk
 lN0.       l:   .KMN'       0MM;    .KMMd         oMMx      ,WM0     kM0     'd
oWX.             .0MN'       OMM;    .KMMd         :MMx      ,WM0     xMWk,
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 .l0WMWK0OOOd'    '0WMXxddolcKMMXdl.  :KWMXxooc. ;l0WWNoc. ,cOWWNxc. ;XXo;,,oKk'
    'ldkxo:'        :dkkd:"  TOl:'     ':dkxo'   'P"'''"P' 'P"'''"P'  .cdkkdc.


cutils (C Utilities) is a collection of simple, modern and truly powerful tools
to make one's life a little easier when programming in C. The utilities were
created mostly to fulfill the personal needs of the author, however he hopes and
believes many will find the tools just as useful and essential as he does.

For detailed information and documentation visit:



1. Install LibYAML    (eg. pacman -S libyaml)
2. Install pyyaml     (eg. pip install pyyaml)
3. Install pyhashxx   (eg. pip install pyhashxx)
4. Edit MAKEFILE => set libraries and python location
5. make
6. sudo make install


cutils uses very strict naming conventions, so, if you want to contribute to it,
you have to follow these rules. In my personal experience, the conventions
described below truly makes the code cleanewr, easier to read, to understand, to
modify later on and make it maintainable on the long run.

Public variable and function/method names:



        /* inline variable name */
        bool error_flag = false;

        /* method name of object in global namespace */
          ^       ^          ^             ^
          |       |          |             |
        project  module    object        method
         name     name      name          name

Private variable and function/method names:


    eg.: int _counter;

Constants (macros enums):



        /* inline and public constants */
        #define CUTILS_NAMESPACE

        /* guard macro variables */
        ^                   ^                ^        ^         ^
        |                   |                |        |         |
       leading          full name        extension  random   trailing
      underscore      of the module                 number  underscore



    eg.: goto Error_Window_Initialisation_Failed;



    eg.: typedef struct {} MyObject;

             ^               ^
             |               |
         base type        related
                        standard type


Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Varo

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program, most likely a file in the root directory, called 'LICENSE'.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.