
Elegant and efficient error handling and reporting patterns for C

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

[license: GPLv3] [standard: ISO C11]


What is meaculpa?

meaculpa is a small, lightweight, simple, elegant, efficient, flexible, extensible, type-safe, thread-safe, fully backtraced error handling and reporting library and design pattern.

And it is capable of producing such beautiful outputs as the next one:


Why is it called meaculpa?

Because meaculpa is all about errors!

Mea culpa is a Latin phrase that means "through my fault" and is an acknowledgement of having done wrong. [...]

The expression is used also as an admission of having made a mistake that should have been avoided, and may be accompanied by beating the breast as in its use in a religious context.


The rationale behind it

Error handling in C is explicit, which means, one has to check directly the correctness of the returned value of a function. The returned value can be an error signal or a mixture of valid values and error signals.

Eventhough this kind of explicitness is a very good thing at such a low-level as C can work, it can make proper error-reporting a nightmare. How to tell exactly where the error occured? How to handle some of the errors and recover from them, while passing on the unrecoverable ones and at the same time printing only the unhandled error messages out? Not to mention, that it would also be useful if one could have a full backtraced message stack, when for example an error occured in a deeply nested function call-chain!

It may sounds easy enough to implement an error-handling/reporting library as that, but most of the existing solutions are reinventing the wheel, and they are adding bloated and both process- and memory-expensive runtimes on top of the C runtime. This kind of overhead is unacceptable, not to mention, that it is the horror itself to work with them in a multithreaded environment.

meaculpa tries to solve the above mentioned problems, with an elegant and very efficient way, which remains loyal to the philosophy of C — it is small, still explicit and provides maximum control and flexibility to its users.

The drawbacks

Well, of course there is no such thing as free lunch, one has to pay for such features. The real question is: how much should one pay?

With meaculpa the cost is very low. It returns mc_Error, which is an unsigned integer type, capable of storing 264 - 1 values. That is, if 1 byte is 8 bits, than it is 8 bytes in the memory. In most 64-bit systems it is the same size as a pointer. (Note: the size of a pointer is not explicitly defined in the standard, so this is just a rough approximation.) So it will hardly overflow on the stack — as returning a pointer won't do that either — but the downside still remains: it is very likely that it will be larger than a char, bool, int or enum typed values, which are very common error signals in C.

The other place where one has to pay, is the mute-flags. To get full control over the error riporting, one has to pass an mc_Error to a function which is capable of returning an mc_Error. The cost here is not only the size of the new argument, which is the same as in the previous paragraph, but it also means the developer has to pass this value explicitly every time such function is invoked. Of course this could be eliminated by defining variadic macros as function wrappers, which allows the user to pass a flag by default if it is not specified otherwise.

And the last costs are the extra if statements. One has to check wether an error message should be printed or not. Although, this overhead can be removed as well, as the main purpose of meaculpa is debugging, therefore a correct, production-ready, and already tested/debugged code can remove the extra checkings by placing #ifdefs at the right places.

All in all, the cost of meaculpa is very very small, especially compared to other solutions — it is only a fraction of those!


SUPPORTED PLATFORMS: meaculpa is currently supported only on UNIX-like systems (Linux, BSD, OS X, etc.), but Windows support (via mingw-w64) is on its way!

SUPPORTED STANDARDS: meaculpa requires C99 or later (C11 recommended)

For end-users:

For developers:

Install utility

The next three sections will demonstrate the default installation of meaculpa, that is, using gcc, installing the headers at /usr/local/include and installing libraries at /usr/local/lib. For further information and available settings on how to use the included install.sh utility run:

bash install.sh --help

End-user build and install

$ git clone https://github.com/petervaro/meaculpa.git
$ cd meaculpa
$ bash install.sh

Developer build and install

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/petervaro/meaculpa.git
$ cd meaculpa
$ bash tuplet/setup.sh
$ tup init
$ tup
$ bash install.sh


$ bash install.sh --remove


First include the necessary header files:

#include <meaculpa/meaculpa.h>

The basic API design pattern of a function should be something like:

<error> <function-name> ( <inputs...>, <outputs...>, <mute-flags> )

that is, its return value will always be an error (mc_Error with meaculpa), and all the outputs are going to be pointers. The last argument should be the mute-flags, which will inform the functioin which errors should be printed and which are not.

IMPORTANT: The mute-flags won't change the return value of a function, they will only effect the output of the function's mc_Error_put calls.

So for example, the implementation of a divider function which divides two ints, would look like this:

divider(int       dividend,
        int       divisor,
        int      *quotient,
        mc_Error  muted)
    /* If the 'quotient' argument is NULL */
    if (!quotient)
        /* If 'mc_ARG_IS_NULL' is not muted */
        if (~muted & mc_ARG_IS_NULL)
            /* Print the error message */
            mc_Error_put(mc_ARG_IS_NULL, -1,
                         "3rd argument 'int *quotient' is NULL");
        /* Return the error signal */
        return mc_ARG_IS_NULL;

    /* If the 'divisor' argument is NULL */
    if (!divisor)
        /* If 'mc_ZERO_DIVISION' is not muted */
        if (~muted & mc_ZERO_DIVISION)
            mc_Error_put(mc_ZERO_DIVISION, -1, "divisor is 0");
        /* Return the error signal */
        return mc_ZERO_DIVISION;

    /* Set the output */
    *quotient = dividend/divisor;

    /* Indicate that everything went fine */
    return mc_OKAY;

The following things are happening:

  1. The divider checks, if it can write to its output argument quotient, that is, the argument is not NULL.

  2. If the argument quotient is NULL, then first the function checks wether the error it is going to return muted or not. This is the tricky part, as meaculpa is using bit-masking technique for its error-handling/reporting. Therefore, first the function negates the argument muted, and then checks if mc_ARG_IS_NULL is in it. This expression will only be true, if mc_ARG_IS_NULL was not originally in the muted argument. Therefore if it was not in it, the function can print out the error message. After this the function will return the mc_ARG_IS_NULL wether the error was muted or not.

  3. The divider checks if the argument divisor is 0 or not.

  4. If the argument divisor is 0, the function will check wether it should print an error message for mc_ZERO_DIVISION or not. It does the same way as it did before in the 2. point. If the error is not muted it will print the error message, and then return the error signal itself.

  5. If both arguments quotient and divisor are valid, the function will divide the argument dividend with the argument divisor and will write the result to the memory where the argument quotient is pointing to.

  6. Finally it will return mc_OKAY indicating that everything went fine, it calculated what it had to, there were no errors occured.

The invocation of such function as the divider would look like this:

int      result;
mc_Error error;

if ((error = divide(8, 2, &result, mc_MUTE_NONE)))
    mc_Error_put(error, 1, "Failed to divide 8 by 2");
    printf("The result is: %d\n", &result);

At the invocation the following things are happening:

  1. The divide function is called, and the mute-flags is set to mc_MUTE_NONE which means, the function will print messages for all errors that can occure in it.

  2. If everything goes fine, the return value of divider will be mc_OKAY the boolean value of which is always false. So first it is checked, that any errors occured during the call of divider.

  3. If so, then an error message will be printed, explaining what exactly went wrong. This message will be part of the backtrace.

  4. If not, the result of the division will be printed out.

NOTE: For more examples, look at the samples folder!



  • mc_Error is guaranteed to be a signed integer type that is capable of storing 264 - 1 values. This is the type of all errors, markers and mute-flags.

Error mute-flag wildcard constants:

  • mc_MUTE_NONE allows all errors of a function to be printed out
  • mc_MUTE_ALL disallows all errors of a function to be printed out

Error constants:

  • mc_OKAY indicates that there were no errors occured during the call of a function

  • mc_FAIL is a generic error, which should be used only in very special cases, where the function wants to indicate to its caller, that something unexpected happened

  • mc_UNKNOW_ERROR should be used only in very special cases, when a function wants to indicate to its caller, that the returned value of an internal call cannot be recognized (maybe it is a badly used bare marker, or an error which is not defined)

  • mc_DEPRECATED should be used, when the called function is deprecated. The deprecated function should return this value instead of mc_OKAY, and should never return mc_OKAY. If other errors occured it should return those errors instead

  • mc_EXPERIMENTAL should be used, when the called function is experimental and can change its behaviour the future without any further notice. The experimental function should return this value instead of mc_OKAY, and should never return mc_OKAY. If other errors occured it should return those errors instead

  • mc_ARG_IS_NULL should be returned, if an argument which happens to be a pointer is NULL, and that is not acceptable by the function

  • mc_INVALID_VALUE should be used, when the passed argument cannot be used by the function

  • mc_INVALID_INDEX should be used, when the function should use the passed argument as an index to a container/collection, and that index is out of range

  • mc_INVALID_KEY should be used, when the function should use the passed argument as a key to container/collection, and that key is not in it

  • mc_STOP_ITERATION should be used, when the function is performing an iteration on a complex type (container/collection) and there are no more values left in it

  • mc_ALLOC_FAIL should be used, when the function should dynamically allocate memory, but that allocation failed

  • mc_INI_FAIL should be used, when the initializer method failed

  • mc_FIN_FAIL should be used, when the finalizer method failed


  • mc_FILE_NOT_FOUND should be used, when the function is looking for a specific file, but it is noy available


  • mc_END_OF_FILE should be used, when the function reaches EOF

  • mc_END_OF_LINE should be used, when the function reaches EOL

  • mc_ZERO_DIVISION should be used, when the function should should perform a division, but the divisor is 0

Marker constants:

Each of the above listed errors (except mc_OKAY) can be marked. Marking is only useful, if an error can be returned more than 1 different places from a function, as it makes it easy to seperate between those places. It is especially useful, if the caller can recover from at least one of them.

The notation is simple, it uses macros to overload the constant values:


where n can be 1..16.

NOTE: If a function can return more than one marked errors, then different markers should be used for each errors, otherwise it would be impossible to distinguish between the errors. For example: if a function can return mc_ARG_IS_NULL errors from 2 different places and mc_INVALID_VALUE errors from 3 different ones, then mc_ARG_IS_NULL(1), mc_ARG_IS_NULL(2), mc_INVALID_VALUE(3), mc_INVALID_VALUE(4) and mc_INVALID_VALUE(5) should be used.

There are two implicit advantages of the markers: one can mute all the marked errors of the same base, by simply passing or |-ing the error without any markers as/to the mute-flags, and one can handle all marked errors of the same base, without the need to explicitly check every marked version of it.

mc_Error representation functions:

const char*
mc_Error_str(mc_Error error);

The function will return the string representation of an error as a null- terminated C-string. It does not care wether the error is marked or not, it will return the unmarked representation of the error. For example:

  • for mc_DEPRECATED it will return "mc_DEPRECATED"
  • for mc_EXPERIMENTAL(12) it will return "mc_EXPERIMENTAL"
mc_Error_put(mc_Error error,
             int      messages,
          /* const char* */ ...);

This is a function-like macro wrapper around mc_Error__put, which should not be called directly (as there is no real advantage there). It takes an error constants, the number of messages, and the messages themselves. The messages should be NULL-terminated C-strings. The messages count can be both negative and positive (its absolute value tells how many strings have been passed). The former indicates that the error is occured where this function is called, while the latter means the error happened elsewhere and the current call is part of the traceback calls. This indication will influence how the printed strings are formatted.

Stream management functions:


Initializes the stream-access mutex and the stream itself. It has to be called before anything (most likely in the beginning of the main function) if: 1. the program is running multiple threads and within those threads functions are using mc_Error_put and/or mc_stream_set; or 2. the program wants to change the default stream via mc_stream_set, thread count does not matter. If none of the previously listed conditions are met, it is unnecessary to call this function, though it is highly recommended for easier code maintainability in the future.


Finalizes the stream-access mutex and the stream itself. It has to be called after anything (most likely at the end of the main function) if mc_stream_ini has been used before.

mc_stream_set(FILE     *stream,
              mc_Error  muted);

Specifies the stream where mc_Error_put will print the error messages and the traceback. This can be very useful, when the program should log these into an external file, instead of printing them to the stderr stream for example. This function can return:

  • mc_OKAY if there was no error
  • mc_ARG_IS_NULL if FILE *stream is NULL


Copyright © 2015-2016 Peter Varo

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program, most likely a file in the root directory, called 'LICENSE'. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.

The font used in the logo is called Shadows Into Light. It is licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.10.

Copyright © 2010 Kimberly Geswein