Primary LanguagePython

AI Devs Repository

This repository contains Python files for various tasks from AI / chatGPT training by https://www.aidevs.pl/ . In order to run any of the files from this repository, it is necessary to set up the following environment variables:

Environment Variables

  1. URL_AI_DEVS: This variable should point to the URL containing "zadania".
  2. AIDEVS: Set this variable to your personal key provided by AI_DEVS.
  3. OPENAI_API_KEY: This variable should be set to your OpenAI API key.

Setting Environment Variables

On Linux and macOS

Open your terminal and run the following commands:

export URL_AI_DEVS="https://tasks.com/"
export AIDEVS="your_personal_key_here"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_openai_api_key_here"

Or add an respective export to your ~/.profile file

On Windows

Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and run the following commands:

setx URL_AI_DEVS "https://example.com/zadania"
setx AIDEVS "your_personal_key_here"
setx OPENAI_API_KEY "your_openai_api_key_here"

Running a Python File

The name of each python file in the repository reflects the task (zadanie) name, it is designed to solve. To run a file, simply use the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

python task.py

Replace task.py with the name of the Python file you want to run.

Optional Logging Parameter

Each module accepts an optional parameter, either debug or info, to enable logging. To use this feature, pass the desired logging level as a command-line argument:

python task.py debug

This will enable logging at the specified level (either debug or info) while the script is running. Empty parameter disables logging