An overengineered Catan Dice pretending to be speaking slot machine

Just to learn Raspberry Pi Pico, I've created this random generator I use now to play The Settlers of Catan.

Main features

  • Generating two random numbers from 1 to 6. The randomness is based on some none deterministic factors such as:

    • shifting an internal register
    • random time between button pressed
    • value of a two floating ADC inputs
  • Animate generated numbers. Here pico pretends to be a slot machine with some simple sound efects

  • Speak out result (showing is boring and pic has a lot of memory for some wav-data).

    • You can use at the same time simple tone function and mix it with wav-data.

    • Wav-data is fully played using DMA, no IRQ no uProcesor cycles, so it does not stop main program. This just a PoC for any other sound efexct in the bacground.

  • Show statistics from this game and all prevoius saved on a sd-card, to check if it is really random.


  • Check 3D folder for enclousure (you may need a file to let usb and sd card in, in one version)

    • The top of the enclusure was designed for location of my elements, check pictures to copy it, otherwise your component may not match the 3D model.
  • Check docs & wiring folder for schematics and some pictures from DIY

  • BOM:

    • RPI Pico
    • LCD 1.8" with SD card slot
    • Phone mini loudspeaker
    • Rotary Encoder
    • few resistors, capcitors

... Some further details in preperation or on a request.