🚀 Getting Started
A. Prerequisites
- Macbook, Node enviroment
- Install React-native cli https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started
- Pod tool ( How to install: sudo gem install cocoapods)
B. Run MovieBrowserHaiNg application
Clone and Install
1.1 https://github.com/petervn/MovieBrowserReactNativeHaiNg.git
1.2 cd to MovieBrowserHaiNg ( cd MovieBrowserHaiNg/MovieBrowserHaiNg)
1.3 Delete 'Pods' and 'build' in ios folder (MovieBrowserHaiNg/ios)
1.4 npm install
1.5 cd ios
1.6 pod install
Run the React Native MovieBrowserHaiNg App
2.1 cd to MovieBrowserHaiNg
2.2 npm start
C. Further Help?
Raise issue on my repository If you can not run.
Best wishes
🚀 Features :
Browse trending and popular movies, and search all movies by title
View relevant details of a particular movie including but not limited to title, overview, release year, runtime and cast members
View details of specific actor or actress including but not limited to name, bio, birth date and list of movies in which have worked
🚀 Tech stack :
React natiev, react hook
Redux hook
API: The Movie DB API (https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api)
🚀 Upcoming enhancements :
Unit tests.
Show trendind movies.