
A tool that forwards clients to an up to date JCloud instance (in development)

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Keep my JCloud!


Explainer video on YouTube!

Since launching Thingy on JCloud, we had moments our instances randomly disappeared.

Since Jina is still testing its services, there's no harm in this, but I wanted to be able to run things in what I call "quasi-production" (as in: It's live, but people know it can get offline).

Keep my JCloud allows anyone to get a single URL to access their JCloud instances, re-spawn them when they go offline, and even re-route traffic to your own devices if things really don't work!


  • Keep the same URL for your flow (no random URL)
  • Simple to integrate: All you need to do is parse the response to get the URL to forward your request to.
  • Safe: Uses the official jcloud CLI in the background and runs locally. No need to provide your account details to third parties!
  • Lightweight server written in Rust. No heavy runtimes, can run on ARM (Raspberry Pi, Odroid) too
  • Protocol agnostic: Works with JCloud GRPC, HTTP, WebSocket
  • Open: Allows you to use your own (Jina-based) instances in case JCloud doesn't work, or even run your own instance entirely, without having to rewrite the connection in your app.

How to run

  • Make sure you have Rust installed: https://rustup.rs
  • Run cargo install --git https://github.com/peterwilli/KeepMyJCloud.git --branch=release
  • Now you can run keep_my_jcloud! (See Examples below)
  • Sending a request to http://localhost:8000 will give you something like: { endpoint: grpcs://527fae43ba.wolf.jina.ai }. You can use your application to link to that URL. See Thingy's JCloudClient.kt for a real-world example.


We set project name to myservice but you're encouraged to set unique names per project to make sure your instances are correctly tracked!

Save the following flow.yml (Note the same name under jcloud):

jtype: Flow
  name: myservice
  protocol: 'http'
monitoring: true
  - name: magic_prompt
    uses: jinahub+docker://MagicPromptExecutor/v1.0
  • Keep a JCloud flow online (if myservice already exists, use that instance, i.e. keeping track on an already running instance, if none exists, re-deploy one):
    • keep_my_jcloud --project-name=myservice --flow-yml-path=/path/to/flow.yml
  • Keep a JCloud flow online, with fallback to your own instance:
    • keep_my_jcloud --project-name=myservice --flow-yml-path=/path/to/flow.yml --alternate-url=grpcs://emeraldsarecool.ai:51001