
To provide helper methods for handling rails flash messages

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Flushing Flash

To provide helper methods for handling rails flash messages.


Rails 3.0

Put the following into the Gemfile and run ‘bundle install`

gem 'flushing_flash'


1. To push a flash message

push_flash(message_type, *args)


1.1. push_flash(:success)
  { message_type: :success, content: I18n.t("flashes.#{controller_name}.#{action_name}.success", {}) }

1.2. push_flash(:failure, "User is not authenticated!") # note that the 2nd param is a **String**!
  { message_type: :failure, content: "User is not authenticated!" }

1.3. push_flash(:failure, :"users.authenticate") # note that the 2nd param is a **Symbol**!
  { message_type: :failure, content: I18n.t("flashes.users.authenticate.failure", {}) }

1.4. push_flash(:success, name: "Peter")
  { message_type: :success, content: I18n.t("flashes.#{controller_name}.#{action_name}.success", name: "Peter") }

1.5. push_flash(:failure, :"users.authenticate", name: "Peter")
  { message_type: :success, content: I18nt("flashes.users.authenticate.failure", name: "Peter") }

1.6. push_flash(:success, name: "Peter", target: :signin_form)
  the target will not be passed to the I18n.t! Instead, it is a keyword for identifying the target receving the message.
  see the (2) part.

2. To pull flash messages from a target



2.1. pull_flash # pull from :default target
  [{message_type: ..., content: ...}, { message_type: ..., content: ...}, ...]

2.2. pull_flash(:signin_form)
  [{message_type: ..., content: ...}, { message_type: ..., content: ...}, ...]

3. To check if a target has flash messages or not



3.1. has_flash?
  true / false

3.2. has_flash?(:signin_form)
  true / false

4. To return currently hard-coded view for the messages in the target

*** TODO: provide a better way to customize the html output ***



4.1. flush_flash
  <div class="alert-message #{message_type} fade in">
    <a href="#" class="close">x</a>

4.2. flush_flash(:signin_form)
  <div class="alert-message #{message_type} fade in">
    <a href="#" class="close">x</a>

5. To use self-defined partial for rendering the flash messages

flush_flash(target=:default, options={})


5.1 flush_flash(using: "shared/flash_messages")
  HTML output for the partial app/views/shared/_flash_messages.html.erb

Change Logs


  1. fixed error if passing ‘:using` to pull `flush_flash` method. Now you could make use of `:using` option to use your own partial for rendering the flash messages.