Asynchronous deep reinforcement learning
An attempt to repdroduce Google Deep Mind's paper "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning."
Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) method for playing "Atari Pong" is implemented with TensorFlow.
Learning result movment after 24 hour is like this.
Any advice or suggestion is strongly welcomed in issues thread.
First we need to build multi thread ready version of Arcade Learning Enviroment. I made some modification to it to run it on multi thread enviroment.
$ git clone
$ cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
$ make -j 4
$ pip install .
I recommend to install it on VirtualEnv environment.
To train,
To display the result with game play,
This project uses setting written in muupan's wiki [muuupan/async-rl] (
- @aravindsrinivas for providing information for some of the hyper parameters.