
a place for bitbucket server cli tools

Primary LanguageGo

CPR - a tool for creating pull request in Bitbucket server


cpr v1.0

you could generate binary file by yourself. Requires Golang Environment


go get github.com/peterzhang41/bitbucket-server-go-cli-tools
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/peterzhang41/bitbucket-server-go-cli-tools && go install
ls -lh $GOPATH/bin

cross platform

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o cpr.exe 

Global Installation

  • Download sample-cpr-config.yaml from release, and modify it according to your own config
  • download or compile binary file and rename to cpr.exe (windows) or cpr linux)
  • Windows:
    move binary file to a folder which the path needs to be added or has been in PATH variable
    (optional) you could create a new variable CPR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH and value is the config file path
  • Linux:
    copy binary to bin folder
    cp ~/Downloads/cpr /usr/local/bin
    add one more line in ~/.bashrc (modify other init file if you are not using bash)
    export CPR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH="$HOME/.config/cpr_config.yaml"
    save and execute below, or relaunch terminal
    source ~/.bashrc
  • Check success
    cpr -h


After pushed your branch and you are in the branch path

  • you can directly execute it , cpr will check $CPR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
  • Or, execute it by loading settings from the path defined on the flag
    cpr --load '/home/cpr_config.yaml'
  • Or, setup|modify flags values in CLI
    cpr --username fristname.lastname --password '###'\
          --url 'https://bitbucket.example.com' --destBranch 'release/1.2.9'\
          --title 'This is a sample title' --description 'Please check on Line:100'\
          --debug --reviewer firstname.lastname --reviewer firstname.lastname
  • An example below created a PR to 'release/1.2.9' (use single quote if has special character), and used all other default settings in yaml file if it has been setup correctly.
    cpr --destBranch 'release/1.2.9' --description 'Please check on Line:100'


The precedence for flag value sources is as follows (highest to lowest):
4. Command line flag value from user
3. Environment variable (if specified)
2. Configuration file (if specified)
1. Default defined on the flag


(--description and --debug is not configurable in yaml file, CLI only )  
   --load path                     load .yaml config file from the path or from environment variable [$CPR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH]
   --username firstName.lastName   Bitbucket account username
   --password '######'             Bitbucket account password
   --url value                     Bitbucket server url
   --destBranch value              PR destination branch
   --title value                   PR title, branch name will be used if the title is not given
   --description value             PR description, could be empty
   --debug                         turn debug on will print out all arguments
   --reviewers firstName.lastName  PR reviewers firstName.lastName, it could be multiple
   --help, -h                      show help
   --version, -v                   print the version