
an ipfs-based encrypted backup solution

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an ipfs-based encrypted backup solution that lets friends keep backup of each others' important stuff

How it works

It basically compresses the target file/folder using tar, encrypts the tarball and uploads the encrypted tarball to ipfs. When you download and restore a backup the process is run in reverse.

Every time you upload or rehost something, that fact is saved in a flatfile database (a json file). The database, which contains your uploaded files and their decryption keys, exists at ~/.config/piratcloud.

Since the tarball is encrypted, friends that are rehosting your hash can't read its contents. Which is great! If other computers are rehosting your hash, all you need to do is keep a backup of ~/.config/piratcloud!


Backup a folder

cloud upload <directory|file> [optional note to remember what it was]

cloud upload ~/.config # spits out the resulting ipfs hash & decryption key

Rehost someone else's stuff

cloud rehost <ipfs hash> [optional note to remember why you are rehosting this]

cloud rehost Qm....7331 "best friend backup" # Qm...7331 being the ipfs hash they give you

Download your stuff

cloud download <desination dir> <ipfs hash> <decryption key>

cloud download ~/destination-folder Qm....7331 D3crYpt100nc3i # Qm...7331 being the ipfs hash they give you

List all your uploads and rehosts

cloud list

Full command list

  cloud [command]

Available Commands:
  download    Downloads an ipfs hash and decrypts it using the supplied key
  help        Help about any command
  list        Lists the stuff you've uploaded, their keys and also what you're rehosting
  rehost      Rehost an ipfs hash, basically seeding it for someone else
  upload      Uploads and encrypts a file or directory, returning its hash and decryption key

  -h, --help   help for cloud

Use "cloud [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Is it any good?

Yeah probably
