
IPython file upload widget. Now obsolete, refer to widgets.https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%20List.html#File-Upload

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IPython File Upload

Latest Version Downloads Binder

An IPython notebook widget to upload files, using FileReader.


Install using pip:

pip install fileupload

Install JavaScript:

jupyter nbextension install [--user] --py fileupload

Enable the extension:

jupyter nbextension enable [--user] --py fileupload


import io
from IPython.display import display
import fileupload

def _upload():

    _upload_widget = fileupload.FileUploadWidget()

    def _cb(change):
        decoded = io.StringIO(change['owner'].data.decode('utf-8'))
        filename = change['owner'].filename
        print('Uploaded `{}` ({:.2f} kB)'.format(
            filename, len(decoded.read()) / 2 **10))

    _upload_widget.observe(_cb, names='data')


Base64 data is synced to the data_base64 member, decoded data can be obtained from data. The name of the uploaded file is stored in filename.


Refer to Changelog.