
PHY wrappers for LitePCIe

Primary LanguageVerilog

           __   _ __      ___  _________
          / /  (_) /____ / _ \/ ___/  _/__
         / /__/ / __/ -_) ___/ /___/ // -_)
        /____/_/\__/\__/_/   \___/___/\__/
                    PHY wrappers

           Copyright 2015 / EnjoyDigital

              PHY wrappers for LitePCIe

[> Intro
LitePCIe provides a small footprint and configurable PCIe gen1/2 core.

LitePCIe is part of MiSoC libraries whose aims are to lower entry level of
complex FPGA cores by providing simple, elegant and efficient implementations
ofcomponents used in today's SoC such as Ethernet, SATA, PCIe, SDRAM Controller...

Current repository provides modified PHY wrappers for PCIe FPGA hardblocks.

Generally you use your vendor toolchain to generate a wrapper for each PCIe
configuration. Wrappers are here modified to avoid that and to be able to share
the same code for all configurations. (When possible).

Since wrappers are generated with proprietary software, please have a look at the
license in the file headers before reusing and modify it.

[> Features
- 7-Series Artix7/Kintex7. (up to PCIe Gen2 X2)

[> Possible improvements
- add support for PCIe Gen2 X4 and X8 on 7-Series
- clean up 7-Series wrappers
- add Altera/Lattice support
- ... See below Support and consulting :)

If you want to support these features, please contact us at florent [AT]
enjoy-digital.fr. You can also contact our partner on the public mailing list
devel [AT] lists.m-labs.hk.

[> Support and consulting
We love open-source hardware and like sharing our designs with others.

LitePCIe is developed and maintained by EnjoyDigital.

If you would like to know more about LitePCIe or if you are already a happy user
and would like to extend it for your needs, EnjoyDigital can provide standard
commercial support as well as consulting services.

So feel free to contact us, we'd love to work with you! (and eventually shorten
the list of the possible improvements :)

[> Contact
E-mail: florent [AT] enjoy-digital.fr