Generative stuff, possibly viewable here:
A kinect/audio recative interactive thingy
More info here:
audio_sphere is an audio reactive sphere. mostly developed as a learning exercise looking at using fbos & shaders. You can see a clip of it here:
Simple CPU based particle system
parallel_reduction is an example of using the GPU to process data stored in textures. This is a simple example that calculates the average value of the red channel.
attractor_field is an interactive/kinect enabled dejong attractor:
lights_camera is an example of basic opengl lights
Any comments or suggestions, please let me know!
voronoi uses ofxVoronoi to build a tessellation, then fills each region with the average color of the pixels that fall within it.
messing around with fractional sums of Perlin noise
ARK is an example of using an fbo as a texture on a mesh. It sprang out of a forum discussion so has at least 3 different people touching it, but hopefully should be clear enough.
These got their own repos