
Lawdify take home project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lawdify RAG Demo

Install Dependencies

  • Use asdf to manage Python and Node versions (specified in .tool-versions)
$ asdf install
  • Install poetry with the official installer:
$ curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
$ poetry install
$ cd frontend
$ npm i

Running the application

⚠️* Obtain OpenAPI API Key, Base URL, Model Name and add them to .env*

  1. Index the documents under ./documents via poetry run python index_documents.py
  2. Run the FastAPI server: poetry run fastapi dev lawdify.py
  3. Run the frontend: cd frontend && npm start
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000 to interact with the Lawdify RAG Demo


lawdify.py is the core FastAPI server with the LLM interface at /ask endpoint. index_documents.py is for indexing files under ./documents into the vector database (ChromaDB).

frontend/ is the folder with a React front-end for interacting with the LLM via a chatbot-like UI. See that folder's README for more info.