Disaster Response Pipeline Project

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. Project Components
  3. File Description
  4. Installation

Project Overview

This project is part of the Udacity Data Science Nano Degree Programand supported by Appen. This project will analyze a data set containing real messages that were sent during disaster events. Those messages are sent from social media or from disaster response organizations. This project will build a ETL pipeline to load and process data, and a machine learning pipeline to classify those messages so as to send them to an appropriate disaster relief agency.

Project Components

There are three components in the project.

1. ETL Pipeline

  • Loads the message.csv and categories.csv files
  • merges two datasets
  • clean data
  • stores it in a SQLite database

2. ML Pipeline

  • Load cleaned data from database
  • Build a test processing and maching learning pipline
  • Used different models and evaluate accuracy
  • Apply feature union to improve model
  • Train and tunes a model using GridSearchCV

3. Flask Web App

There is a web app where an emergency worker can input a new message and get classification results in several categories. The web app will also display visualizations of the data.

File Description

- README.md: read me file
- ETL Pipeline Preparation.ipynb: ETL pipeline preparation code
- ML Pipeline Preparation.ipynb: ML pipeline preparation code
- \app
	- run.py: flask file to run the app
   	- \templates
		- master.html: main page of the web application 
		- go.html: result web page
- \data
	- disaster_categories.csv: categories dataset
	- disaster_messages.csv: messages dataset
	- DisasterResponse.db: disaster response database
	- process_data.py: ETL process to clean up data
- \model
	- train_classifier.py: classification code
   	- custom_extractor.py: python package that build a class to extract disaster related words
	- classifier.pkl: model saved as a pickle file


Devendencies :

Download and Installation

git clone https://github.com/petitblue/disaster-response-pipeline.git

While in the project's root directory disaster-response-pipeline run the ETL pipeline that cleans and stores data in database.

python data/process_data.py data/disaster_messages.csv data/disaster_categories.csv data/DisasterResponse.db

Next, run the ML pipeline that trains the classifier and save it.

python model/train_classifier.py data/DisasterResponse.db model/classifier.pkl

Next, change directory into the app directory and run the Python file run.py.

cd app
python run.py

Finally, go to or http://localhost:3001/ in your web-browser. Type a message input box and click on the Classify Message button to see the various categories that your message falls into.

Screenshot of the web app

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