Python package with reference library of serial commands (and responses) for PIP-4048MS inverters - aka:
- PIP-4048MS
- IPS-4000WM
- Voltronic Axpert MKS 5KVA Off-grid Inverter-Chargers
Good overview and technical discussion here
- a Raspberry Pi 3
- using 2x USB to serial adapters (like
- to connect to 2x PIP-4048MS inverters connected in parallel
- a Raspberry Pi 3
- USB cable to USB port of PIP-4048MS (connected to Pi as /dev/hidraw0)
python ./ install
$ mpp-solar -h
usage: mpp-solar [-h] [-c COMMAND] [-D] [-d DEVICE] [-b BAUD] [-l] [-s] [-t]
MPP Solar Command Utility
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
Command to run
-D, --enableDebug Enable Debug
-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
Serial device to communicate with
-b BAUD, --baud BAUD Baud rate for serial communications
-l, --listknown List known commands
-s, --getStatus Get Inverter Status
-t, --getSettings Get Inverter Settings
-R, --showraw Display the raw results
$ mpp-solar -l
-------- List of known commands --------
MCHGC: Set Max Charging Current (for parallel units)
MUCHGC: Set Utility Max Charging Current
PBT: Set Battery Type
PCP: Set Device Charger Priority
PCVV: Set Battery C.V. (constant voltage) charging voltage
POP: Set Device Output Source Priority
PSDV: Set Battery Cut-off Voltage
Q1: Q1 query
QBOOT: DSP Has Bootstrap inquiry
QDI: Device Default Settings inquiry
QFLAG: Device Flag Status inquiry
QID: Device Serial Number inquiry
QMCHGCR: Max Charging Current Options inquiry
QMOD: Device Mode inquiry
QMUCHGCR: Max Utility Charging Current Options inquiry
QOPM: Output Mode inquiry
QPGSn: Parallel Information inquiry
QPI: Device Protocol ID inquiry
QPIGS: Device General Status Parameters inquiry
QPIRI: Device Current Settings inquiry
QPIWS: Device warning status inquiry
QVFW: Main CPU firmware version inquiry
QVFW2: Secondary CPU firmware version inquiry
$ mpp-solar -s
================ Status ==================
Parameter Value Unit
ac_input_frequency 00.0 Hz
ac_input_voltage 000.0 V
ac_output_active_power 0152 W
ac_output_apparent_power 0207 VA
ac_output_frequency 50.0 Hz
ac_output_load 004 %
ac_output_voltage 230.2 V
allowscconflag 01
battery_capacity 100 %
battery_charging_current 018 A
battery_discharge_current 00000 A
battery_temperature 046 Deg_C
battery_voltage 57.40 V
battery_voltage_from_scc 57.45 V
bus_voltage 459 V
chargeaveragecurrent 00
fan_lock_status Not locked
fan_pwm_speed 0030 Percent
inverter_charge_status bulk stage
inverter_heat_sink_temperature 0057 Deg_C
inverter_temperature 034 Deg_C
pv_input_current_for_battery 0021 A
pv_input_voltage 069.9 V
scc_charge_power 1258 W
scc_flag SCC is powered and communicating
scc_pwm_temperature 051 Deg_C
sync_frequency 50.00
transformer_temperature 057 Deg_C