Algorand vaults

Vaults are a security mechanism to prevent cryptocurrency from being immediately withdrawn. When users want to withdraw some crypto from a vault, they must first issue a request, and the withdrawal is finalized only after a certain wait time has passed since the request. During the wait time, the request can be cancelled by using a recovery key. Vaults mitigate the risk that the user's private key is stolen: whenever an adversary attempts to withdraw using a stolen private key, the legit user can cancel the operation through the recovery key.

Vaults are quite popular in blockchain ecosystems. For instance, they are available on the following crypto wallets:

The purpose of this tutorial is to create a decentralized vault as an Algorand smart contract.

Since the TEAL implementation of vaults is quite complex, we first specify their functionality in AlgoML (after Algorand Modelling Language), a novel DSL for Algorand contracts, that compiles into TEAL scripts.

Table of contents

AlgoML specification

We specify vaults in AlgoML, a high-level DSL for Algorand contracts that compiles into TEAL. Roughly, an AlgoML specification is a sequence of clauses of the form:

foo(x1,...,xn) {
  // state update

The intuition is that the function foo is enabled whenever all the preconditions are respected. Executing foo results in a state update, specified in the function body. Preconditions may have various forms: for instance, they can be predicates on the contract state, or checks that certain transactions belong to the group wherein the function is called.

We refer to the AlgoML documentation for more details on the use of AlgoML.

Contract state

The contract state is stored in the following variables:

  • wait_time is the withdrawal wait time, i.e. the number of rounds that must pass between a withdrawal request and its finalization
  • recovery is the address from which the cancel action must originate
  • vault is the address of the escrow account where the deposited funds are stored
  • request_time is the round at which the withdrawal request has been submitted
  • amount is the amount of algos to be withdrawn
  • receiver is the address which can withdraw the algos
  • gstate is the contract state:
    • init_escrow: the contract is waiting for escrow initialization
    • waiting: there is no pending withdrawal request
    • requested: there is a pending withdrawal request

The variables wait_time, recovery and vault are initialized at contract creation, and they remain constant throughout the contract lifetime. Instead, the other variables are updated upon each withdrawal request.

Escrow account

The escrow account used by the vault is a stateless contract that releases funds provided that:

  1. the stateful contract participates in the transaction group
  2. the escrow does not pay any transaction fees
  3. the escrow does not send a rekey transaction

Creating the vault

Any user can create a vault, providing the recovery address and the withdrawal wait time.

We specify the behaviour of this action in AlgoML as follows:

@gstate ->init_escrow
Create vault(address recovery, int wait_time) {
    glob.recovery = recovery
    glob.wait_time = wait_time

The Create modifier implies that this function actually constructs the contract. The function has two parameters: the recovery address, and the withdrawal wait_time. The body of the function just initializes the two global state variables recovery and wait_time. The clause

@gstate ->init_escrow

means that after the action is performed, the new state of the contract is init_escrow.

Initializing the escrow

Once the vault has been created, the creator must invoke the set_escrow function to connect it with an escrow account. The escrow will store all the algos deposited in the vault. To call set_escrow, the contract must be in the init_escrow state, and must be called from the vault creator. The application call must be bundled with a pay transaction, with an amount of 100'000 micro-algos (the amount needed to initialize an account). When called, the escrow address is saved into the global state, and the contract state is set to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request). This is specified in AlgoML as follows:

@gstate init_escrow->waiting
@from creator
@pay 100000 : * -> vault
set_escrow(address vault) {
    glob.vault = vault

The three preconditions have the following meaning:

  • @gstate init_escrow->waiting: the current contract state must be init_escrow (the next state will be waiting)
  • @from creator: only the vault creator can call this function.
  • @pay 100000 : * -> vault: 100'000 micro-algos must be deposited in the contract, and this can be done by any user.

Depositing funds

Any user can deposit algos into the vault. Since paying algos to an account cannot be constrained in Algorand, this part of the specification is given by default, so it does not require a specific clause in AlgoML.

Requesting a withdrawal

Once the contract is created and the escrow connected to the contract, the vault creator can request a withdrawal. This requires the creator to declare the amount of algos to be withdrawn, and the address of the receiver. The contract stores these values, as well as the round when the withdrawal is requested. This is specified in AlgoML as follows:

@gstate waiting->requested
@round $curr_round
@from creator
withdraw(int amount, address receiver) {
    glob.amount = amount
    glob.receiver = receiver
    glob.request_time = curr_round

The withdraw function can only be called by the creator, and only while the contract is in the waiting state. The function body saves the values of the parameters and the current round in the contract state. The precondition @gstate waiting->requested also ensures that the next state will be requested, while @round $curr_round binds the current round to the curr_round identifier. Note that we do not require that the vault contains at least amount algos: indeed, this is not strictly necessary, as the creator can fund the vault after the request has been made.

Finalizing a request

After the withdrawal wait period has passed, the vault creator can finalize the request, thus releasing the funds to the specified address, and taking the contract back to a state where it waits for another request.

@gstate requested->waiting
@round (glob.request_time + glob.wait_time,)
@from creator
@pay glob.amount : glob.vault -> glob.receiver
finalize() { }

The finalize function can only be called by the vault creator, provided that the current state is requested and wait_time rounds have passed since the requested_time. Further, the precondition:

@pay glob.amount : glob.vault -> glob.receiver

requires that the function call is bundled with a pay transaction that transfers the amount of algos specified in the request from the vault to the declared receiver. After the function call, the contract state is set to waiting.

Cancelling a request

The vault creator can abort an unexpected withdrawal (which probably means that someone knows the private key of the creator). This is done by calling the cancel function, which aborts the current withdrawal request. Since this action requires to know the private key of the recovery account, an adversary who knows only the private key of the vault creator will not be able to abort the withdrawal requests.

@gstate requested->waiting
@from glob.recovery
cancel() { }

The preconditions ensure that the function is called from the recovery address, and only when the contract is in the requested state. After the call, the contract will return to the waiting state, thus disabling the finalize function.

TEAL implementation

We exploit the AlgoML compiler to refine the vault specification into a TEAL implementation; we just add inline comments into the TEAL code produced by the compiler for clarity.

The TEAL code for the stateless escrow contract delegates the stateful contract for controlling the escrow spendings.

The TEAL code of the stateful contract is split into blocks, one per each AlgoML function. Each block consists of a dispatching preamble (which implements the AlgoML preconditions), followed by the code that implements the state update (corresponding to the function body in AlgoML).

The stateful contract starts by checking the preconditions of the first block: if some precondition is not met, the code jumps to the next block. If all the preconditions of a block are met, its body is executed before approving the transaction. If none of the blocks satisfies all its preconditions, the execution fails, and the transaction is not approved.

Escrow account

#pragma version 3

// assert that the stateful contracts participates in the transaction group
gtxn 1 TypeEnum
int appl

gtxn 1 ApplicationID
int <APP-ID>

// assert that this transaction is "non-rekeying"
txn RekeyTo
global ZeroAddress

// assert that no fee is paid by this contract (all fees must be paid by the caller)
txn Fee
int 0

// approve
int 1

Creating the vault

//* Check if we are calling the create function *//

// check if there are no other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_create

// check if the application is being created with this transaction
txn ApplicationID
int 0
bz not_create

// check if the call has 3 arguments ("vault" + the two actual arguments: recovery account and wait_time)
txn NumAppArgs
int 3
bz not_create

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "vault"
bz not_create

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to init_escrow (waiting for escrow initialization)
byte "gstate"
byte "init_escrow"

// save the first argument (the address of the recovery account) into the global variable "recovery"
byte "recovery"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

// save the second argument (the time that must pass between withdrawal request and finalization) into the global variable "wait_time"
byte "wait_time"
txna ApplicationArgs 2

b approve

Escrow initialization


//* Check if we are calling the set_escrow function *//

// check if there is one other transactions in this atomic group: the payment transaction needed to initialize the escrow account
global GroupSize
int 2
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application is currently waiting to initialize the escrow
byte "gstate"
byte "init_escrow"
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application call has 2 arguments: the byte string "set_escrow" and the vault address
txn NumAppArgs
int 2
bz not_setescrow

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "set_escrow"
bz not_setescrow

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_setescrow

// check if the other transaction is a pay transaction of 100'000 micro-algos (the amount required to initialize an account) to the vault
gtxn 0 TypeEnum
int pay
bz not_setescrow

gtxn 0 Amount
int 100000
bz not_setescrow

gtxn 0 Receiver
txna ApplicationArgs 1
bz not_setescrow

// check if the other transaction is not a closing transaction
gtxn 0 CloseRemainderTo
global ZeroAddress
bz not_setescrow

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

// save the vault address into the global state
byte "vault"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

b approve

Requesting a withdrawal


//* Check if we are calling the withdraw function *//

// check if there are no other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_withdraw

// check if the contract is in the waiting state (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"
bz not_withdraw

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_withdraw

// check if the call has 3 arguments ("withdraw" and the two actual arguments: amount and receiver)
txn NumAppArgs
int 3
bz not_withdraw

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "withdraw"
bz not_withdraw

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_withdraw

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to requested (withdrawal request ongoing)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"

// save the first argument (the amount that the user is requesting) into global amount
byte "amount"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

// save the second argument (the receiver of the withdrawal) into global receiver
byte "receiver"
txna ApplicationArgs 2

// save the current round into global request_time (so that the request can only be finalized wait_time rounds after)
byte "request_time"
global Round

b approve

Finalizing a request


//* Check if we are calling the finalize function *//

// check if the application call transactions is bundled with a pay transaction (the withdrawal)
global GroupSize
int 2
bz not_finalize

// check if the contract is in the requested state (a withdrawal has been requested)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"
bz not_finalize

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_finalize

// Check if the call has 1 argument ("finalize")
txn NumAppArgs
int 1
bz not_finalize

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "finalize"
bz not_finalize

// check if the withdrawal wait time has passed since the withdraw request
global Round
byte "request_time"
byte "wait_time"
bz not_finalize

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_finalize

// check if the other transaction is a pay transaction from the escrow account to the requested receiver of the amount previously requested 
gtxn 0 TypeEnum
int pay
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Amount
byte "amount"
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Sender
byte "vault"
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Receiver
byte "receiver"
bz not_finalize

// check if the pay transaction is non-closing
gtxn 0 CloseRemainderTo
global ZeroAddress
bz not_finalize

//* Change the cntract state *//

// set the contract state back to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request to be made)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

b approve

Cancelling a request


//* Check if we are calling the cancel function *//

// check if there aren't other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_cancel

// check if the contract is in state requested (withdrawal request ongoing)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"
bz not_cancel

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_cancel

// check if the application call has 1 argument ("cancel")
txn NumAppArgs
int 1
bz not_cancel

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "cancel"
bz not_cancel

// check if this transaction is sent by the recovery account
txn Sender
byte "recovery"
bz not_cancel

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state back to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

b approve

Using the vault

Creating the vault

To call the create function, a simple Application Create transaction can be sent to the blockchain, with the string "create" as a parameter.

goal app create --app-arg "str:vault" --app-arg "addr:{RECOVERY-ADDRESS}" --app-arg "int:{WAIT-TIME}" --creator "{CREATOR-ADDRESS}" --approval-prog "vault_approval.teal" --clear-prog "vault_clear.teal" --global-byteslices 4 --global-ints 3 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 0

Initializing the escrow

To call the set_escrow function, the user must submit a group transaction with an application call (with set_escrow as an argument), and a payment transaction of 100'000 micro-algos to the escrow account.

goal clerk compile "vault_escrow.teal"
goal clerk send --from="{CREATOR-ADDRESS}" --to="{ESCROW-ADDRESS}" --amount=100000 --out=txn1.tx
goal app call --app-id {APP-ID} --app-arg "str:set_escrow" --app-arg "addr:{ESCROW-ADDRESS}" --from="{CREATOR-ADDRESS}"  --out=txn2.tx
cat txn1.tx txn2.tx > txn_combined.tx 
goal clerk group -i txn_combined.tx -o txn_grouped.tx
goal clerk sign -i txn_grouped.tx -o txn_signed.tx 
goal clerk rawsend -f txn_signed.tx

Depositing funds

To deposit funds into the contract, the vault creator can simply send a pay transaction to the escrow account.

goal clerk send --from="{CREATOR-ADDRESS}" --to="{ESCROW-ADDRESS}" --amount={DEPOSIT-AMOUNT}

Requesting a withdrawal

To call the withdraw function, an application call with the parameters "withdraw", an integer (the amount to be withdrawn), and a string (the receiving address), must be submitted.

goal app call --app-id {APP-ID} --app-arg "str:withdraw" --app-arg "int:{WITHDRAW-AMOUNT}" --app-arg "addr:{WITHDRAW-RECEIVER}" --from="{CREATOR-ADDRESS}"

Finalizing a request

To call the finalize function, a pay transaction from the escrow account to the previously declared receiving account anf of the declared amount must be sent, together with an application call with the string "finalize" as a parameter.

goal clerk send --from-program="vault_escrow.teal" --to="{WITHDRAW-RECEIVER}" --amount={WITHDRAW-AMOUNT} --fee 0 --out=txn1.tx 
goal app call --app-id {APP-ID} --app-arg "str:finalize" --from="{CREATOR-ADDRESS}" --fee 2000 --out=txn2.tx

cat txn1.tx txn2.tx > txn_combined.tx
goal clerk group -i txn_combined.tx -o txn_grouped.tx 
goal clerk split -i txn_grouped.tx -o txn_split.tx 

goal clerk sign -i txn_split-1.tx -o txn1_signed.tx
cat txn_split-0.tx txn1_signed.tx > txn_signed.tx
goal clerk rawsend -f txn_signed.tx

Cancelling a request

To call the cancel function, a simple application call with the string "finalize" as a parameter can be sent (from the recovery address).

goal app call --app-id {APP-ID} --app-arg "str:cancel" --from="{RECOVERY-ADDRESS}"

Full Code


glob int wait_time
glob address recovery
glob address vault

glob mut int request_time
glob mut int amount
glob mut address receiver

@gstate ->init_escrow
Create vault(address recovery, int wait_time) {
    glob.recovery = recovery
    glob.wait_time = wait_time

@gstate init_escrow->waiting
@from creator
@pay 100000 : * -> vault
set_escrow(address vault) {
    glob.vault = vault
@gstate waiting->requesting
@round $curr_round
@from creator
withdraw(int amount, address receiver) {
    glob.amount = amount
    glob.receiver = receiver
    glob.request_time = curr_round

@gstate requesting->waiting
@round (glob.request_time + glob.wait_time,)
@from creator
@pay glob.amount : glob.vault -> glob.receiver
finalize() { }

@gstate requesting->waiting
@from glob.recovery
cancel() { }


Stateful contract's approval program

#pragma version 4

//*   Creating the vault   *

//* Check if we're calling the create function *//

// check if there are no other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_create

// check if the application is being created with this transaction
txn ApplicationID
int 0
bz not_create

// check if the call has 3 arguments ("vault" + the two actual arguments: recovery account and wait_time)
txn NumAppArgs
int 3
bz not_create

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "vault"
bz not_create

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to init_escrow (waiting for escrow initialization)
byte "gstate"
byte "init_escrow"

// save the first argument (the address of the recovery account) into the global variable "recovery"
byte "recovery"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

// save the second argument (the time that must pass between withdrawal request and finalization) into the global variable "wait_time"
byte "wait_time"
txna ApplicationArgs 2

b approve

//*   Initializing the escrow   *


//* Check if we're calling the set_escrow function *//

// check if there is one other transactions in this atomic group: the payment transaction needed to initialize the escrow account
global GroupSize
int 2
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application is currently waiting to initialize the escrow
byte "gstate"
byte "init_escrow"
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_setescrow

// check if the application call has 2 arguments: the byte string "set_escrow" and the vault address
txn NumAppArgs
int 2
bz not_setescrow

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "set_escrow"
bz not_setescrow

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_setescrow

// check if the other transaction is a pay transaction of 100'000 micro-algos (the amount required to initialize an account) to the vault
gtxn 0 TypeEnum
int pay
bz not_setescrow

gtxn 0 Amount
int 100000
bz not_setescrow

gtxn 0 Receiver
txna ApplicationArgs 1
bz not_setescrow

// check if the other transaction is not a closing transaction
gtxn 0 CloseRemainderTo
global ZeroAddress
bz not_setescrow

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

// save the vault address into the global state
byte "vault"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

b approve

//*   Requesting a withdrawal   *


//* Check if we're calling the withdraw function *//

// check if there are no other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_withdraw

// check if the contract is in the waiting state (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"
bz not_withdraw

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_withdraw

// check if the call has 3 arguments ("withdraw" and the two actual arguments: amount and receiver)
txn NumAppArgs
int 3
bz not_withdraw

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "withdraw"
bz not_withdraw

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_withdraw

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state to requested (withdrawal request ongoing)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"

// save the first argument (the amount that the user is requesting) into global amount
byte "amount"
txna ApplicationArgs 1

// save the second argument (the receiver of the withdrawal) into global receiver
byte "receiver"
txna ApplicationArgs 2

// save the current round into global request_time (so that the request can only be finalized wait_time rounds after)
byte "request_time"
global Round

b approve

//*   Finalizing a withdrawal   *


//* Check if we're calling the finalize function *//

// check if the application call transactions is bundled with a pay transaction (the withdrawal)
global GroupSize
int 2
bz not_finalize

// check if the contract is in the requested state (a withdrawal has been requested)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"
bz not_finalize

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_finalize

// Check if the call has 1 argument ("finalize")
txn NumAppArgs
int 1
bz not_finalize

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "finalize"
bz not_finalize

// check if the withdrawal wait time has passed since the withdraw request
global Round
byte "request_time"
byte "wait_time"
bz not_finalize

// check if this transaction is sent by the contract creator
txn Sender
global CreatorAddress
bz not_finalize

// check if the other transaction is a pay transaction from the escrow account to the requested receiver of the amount previously requested 
gtxn 0 TypeEnum
int pay
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Amount
byte "amount"
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Sender
byte "vault"
bz not_finalize

gtxn 0 Receiver
byte "receiver"
bz not_finalize

// check if the pay transaction is non-closing
gtxn 0 CloseRemainderTo
global ZeroAddress
bz not_finalize

//* Change the cntract state *//

// set the contract state back to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request to be made)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

b approve

//*   Cancelling a withdrawal   *


//* Check if we're calling the cancel function *//

// check if there aren't other transactions in this atomic group
global GroupSize
int 1
bz not_cancel

// check if the contract is in state requested (withdrawal request ongoing)
byte "gstate"
byte "requested"
bz not_cancel

// check if the application call has a NoOp oncompletion
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bz not_cancel

// check if the application call has 1 argument ("cancel")
txn NumAppArgs
int 1
bz not_cancel

txna ApplicationArgs 0
byte "cancel"
bz not_cancel

// check if this transaction is sent by the recovery account
txn Sender
byte "recovery"
bz not_cancel

//* Change the contract state *//

// set the contract state back to waiting (waiting for a withdrawal request)
byte "gstate"
byte "waiting"

b approve

//*   Function end / No function found   *


int 1

Stateful contract's clear program

#pragma version 4

// reject any transaction

Stateless contract

#pragma version 3

// assert that the stateful contracts participates in the transaction group
gtxn 1 TypeEnum
int appl

gtxn 1 ApplicationID
int <APP-ID>

// assert that this transaction is "non-rekeying"
txn RekeyTo
global ZeroAddress

// assert that no fee is paid by this contract (all fees must be paid by the caller)
txn Fee
int 0

// approve
int 1


The project is not audited and should not be used in a production environment.


This tutorial has been realised by Roberto Pettinau and Massimo Bartoletti from the University of Cagliari, Italy.