
Integrate your Node.js app to Checkout.fi and start accepting payments!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Checkout.fi makes it easy and straight-forward to accept payments directly via 🏦 Finnish banks, 💶 wire transfers, and 💳 credit cards. To make it even easier, I decided to build this library for Node.js developers 💪



To authenticate yourself to Checkout API, you must pass so called authentication object to every function you invoke. To create new object, you could call:

const auth = new Checkout.CheckoutAuth('375917', 'SAIPPUAKAUPPIAS')

Create new payment

This is the root of the whole library and pretty self-explanotary

const payment = Checkout.initPayment({
    stamp               : 'gUQ5e1wtYrFUxHMk',
    ref                 : 'pXTac1vOPMHkXuFC',
    deliveryDate        : new Date(2018, 0, 23),
    amount              : 1234,
    urls                : {
        return              : 'https://hostname/payment',
}, auth)

Required fields

fieldName type description
stamp String Unique ID for this transaction
ref String Another identifier, which doesn't have to be unique
delivery Object Information about delivery. See more info here.
amount Number Payment amount in cents (1€ = 100). Must be integer.
urls Object URL where client will be redirected after successful / cancelled payment

Optional fields

fieldName type description defaultValue
message String Freeform message shown to user
adultContent Boolean Set this value true if you're selling adult content. Default false. false

Remember to save all this information also to your own database, so you can validate return signature later.

Validate return signature

When customer finishes his/her payment and returns to your webshop, before proceeding, you should first validate the return signature.

Pass all the GET-params you received from Checkout as a Object into first parameter.

If the function returns true, you should be safe to continue. If function returns false, your credentials might not be correct, or customer has tampered the GET-parameters and tried to abuse your webshop.

Example with Express.js:

app.get('/api/payment/process', (req, res) => {
    const validPayment = Checkout.validateReturnSignature(req.query, auth)

    if (validPayment) {
        // Do magic in the database
    } else {
        // Tell the user that there has been error

Please also remember to verify STAMP and REFERENCE values of the requests you receive, as your return url might be called more than once. This prevents your shop to process the request infinitely, even there has only been one payment.

Polling order status

In some cases, order won't become marked as paid instantly. For example if customer pays with wire transfer, it could take up to 4 days to complete transaction. To handle these cases, you have to frequently (at least once a day) poll for updates of orders.

You can easily fetch statuses of orders by invoking getOrder(Order) or getMultipleOrders(Array<Order>) functions. Both will return a Promise. Fulfilled Promise returns Number or Array<Number> depending on which function you called. Number tells the status of the order, as explaned in the Checkout Docs.

If Promise rejects, most likely you have used either invalid credentials, or supplied wrong information (unexistent stamp or ref for example).


    {SiS: true, stamp: 'Mk2eo6Bn4FsIyS2W2', ref: 'UKSSEniLvdRSb1hY', amount: 4000},
    {SiS: true, stamp: 'pbWgA8EVZ92cfo5r', ref: 'qe6kgks4JyRfmHIL', amount: 4000},

], auth).then(stuff => {


}).catch(err => {



Data types


fieldName type description
deliveryDate Date Delivery date. If not set, defaults to current date.
firstName String First name of of the recipient. Required when using loaning services.
lastName String Last name of of the recipient. Required when using loaning services.
address String Delivery address of recipient. Required when using loaning services.
zipCode String Zip code / postal code of recipient. Required when using loaning services.
language String Either FI, SE or EN. If not set, defaults to "FI".
country String ISO-3166-1 alpha-3 formatted country. If not set, defaults to "FIN".