Takes an expression from the input, and produce the result of calculations considering the precedence of operators (and parentheses, of course):
- Factor (*)
- Term (+ -)
- Relation (< > =)
To be able to build and run the application you are supposed to have the following software installed:
- Oracle JDK 8 ver. 181
- Maven ver. 3.5.4
and the appropriate environment variables set.
To run the program you can use the following scripts:
for Windows OSrun.sh
for Unix based OS
Or you can type the following commands by yourself in the project root directory:
mvn package
cd target
java -jar ExpressionCalculator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
After that the calculations results will be written to ./data/out.txt
line by line based on the provided input expressions in ./data/in.txt
In order to run only the implemented JUnit tests you can simply use:
mvn test
Inaccuracy of calculations is expected in case of operations on integers which are beyond java.lang.Long boundaries ( a minimum value of -2^63 and a maximum value of 2^63-1), since the ExpressionCalculator is intended to be used only with integers for the time being.