
Simple Chat with the client side implemented using React JS & Redux and the server side on Express & Web Sockets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Chat with the client side implemented using React JS & Redux and the server side on Express & Web Sockets.

Getting Started

To run the application and enjoy chatting, you need just to download the project, unzip it and type

npm run start

in the command line in the project directory, then go to localhost:8080 in your browser (the latest version of Chrome preferably) and... that`s it!

How it works

Currently there is a public chat accessible for all visitors in read-only mode. To be able to send messages, it is enough just to log in with a unique username. You can keep chatting privately with any online user you want or make contributions to the public chat. There is a possibility to edit your messages, but not later than a minute after the publishing.

JavaScript for Enterprise Development

Why did I choose this project?

Initially this project was my internship test assignment and it was supposed to be buried in oblivion afterwards. However, I realized that it would be wonderful to make it a bright representation of my skills as a JS developer. Indeed, this project implies using javascript on both frontend (React) and backend (Node) levels, which provides me a great opportunity to show off :)

What am I going to change?

As you can see, for the time being this project can hardly be named as an awesome one. However, I want, I desire to make it awesome! Below is the list of primary stuff I am going to change:

  1. Migrating to new version of modules (React and Node, first and foremost) and using CreateReactApp to simplify my life. Now the project dependencies are ugly and awful: I even added a whole node_modules to github to make it work properly.
  2. Add flexible styling. Initially I used an existing html & css project on CodePen.io, but I would like to adjust the styles for appropriate representation on different screen sizes.
  3. Get rid of ugly code. I was lack of time when I writing this app, consequently some parts (especially server) are strongly required to be changed (in order not to be ashamed).
  4. Add new functionality. Implement a Telegram-like reply function (currently only edit function implemented). Implement the files sending. Implement a message queue for the case of a connection teardown. And implement another interesting things that will probably occur to my mind.