
A repository meant to implement and study different RoR structures with the Packwerk gem

Primary LanguageRuby


Tagline: "Closing the Loop for a Sustainable Tomorrow"


Create a comprehensive platform that brings together three key entities in the sustainability loop:

  1. EcoHub (B2B):

    • Eco-friendly businesses, sustainable product manufacturers, and green technology providers can connect with each other. The EcoHub serves as a central platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and sustainable business networking.
  2. RecycleCrafters (B2B):

    • Recyclers, waste management companies, and innovators specializing in transforming industrial waste into recyclable commodities. This segment focuses on fostering collaboration among entities involved in the recycling process.
  3. EcoIndustries (B2C):

    • Industries and businesses generating waste looking for sustainable solutions. EcoIndustries can explore partnerships with recyclers, access eco-friendly products, and adopt more sustainable practices.

Key Features:

  • Circular Economy Insights:

    • Provide data analytics and insights into circular economy practices, helping businesses understand their ecological impact and adopt more sustainable practices.
  • Eco-Marketplace:

    • Offer an eco-friendly marketplace within the EcoHub, where businesses can showcase and source sustainable products and services.
  • Waste Transformation Collaboration:

    • Facilitate collaborations between RecycleCrafters and EcoIndustries for the efficient transformation of industrial waste into recyclable commodities.
  • Sustainability Workshops and Events:

    • Organize workshops, webinars, and events within the EcoHub to educate businesses on sustainable practices, recycling techniques, and the benefits of a circular economy.
  • Eco-Certifications:

    • Implement a certification system to recognize and promote businesses that adhere to eco-friendly practices, encouraging a commitment to sustainability.
  • Recycling Network:

    • Create a network within RecycleCrafters for recyclers to share best practices, innovative recycling methods, and collaborate on large-scale recycling projects.
  • Waste Exchange Platform:

    • Introduce a platform within EcoIndustries where businesses can exchange waste materials, promoting a closed-loop system and reducing overall waste production.
  • Community Engagement:

    • Encourage community engagement through forums, discussions, and knowledge-sharing opportunities within the EcoLoopConnect community.
  • Green Tech Showcase:

    • Feature innovative green technologies within the EcoHub, connecting tech providers with businesses interested in adopting sustainable solutions.

This theme, "EcoLoopConnect," aims to create a holistic and interconnected ecosystem for businesses and industries committed to environmental sustainability.

Building a Sample API with Domain-Based Architecture

If you're building a sample API on Rails with a domain-based architecture inspired by Shopify's principles of high cohesion and low coupling, consider the following architectural considerations and options:

1. Domain-Driven Design (DDD):

Embrace principles of Domain-Driven Design to identify and model the core domains of your application. Define bounded contexts, aggregates, and entities that represent the key concepts in your business domain.

2. API Versioning:

Implement API versioning to handle changes and updates to your API over time. This ensures backward compatibility and allows clients to choose the version they want to use.

3. Namespaces:

Organize your API endpoints using namespaces to reflect different domains or modules within your application. This helps in achieving a modularized and structured API.

4. Use of Services:

Implement services to encapsulate domain logic. Each service should focus on a specific aspect of your business domain, promoting high cohesion within each service.

5. Separation of Concerns:

Ensure that each module or component of your API has a clear and distinct responsibility. Avoid placing unrelated functionality within the same module to maintain low coupling.

6. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for Authentication:

Implement secure authentication using JWT to allow clients to authenticate and access the API endpoints securely.

7. GraphQL or RESTful API:

Choose between GraphQL and RESTful API based on your project requirements and preferences. GraphQL provides flexibility for clients to request only the data they need, while RESTful APIs follow standard HTTP principles.

8. Database Design:

Design your database schema to align with your domain model. Use migrations to version control and manage changes to your database schema over time.

9. API Documentation:

Provide comprehensive documentation for your API using tools like Swagger or OpenAPI. Clear documentation is essential for developers consuming your API.

10. Testing:

Implement automated testing for your API using tools like RSpec. Write tests that cover unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing to ensure the reliability of your API.

Remember to continuously iterate on your architecture as your application evolves. Applying principles of high cohesion and low coupling will help in creating a maintainable, scalable, and modularized Rails API.