
This is a minimal SPA framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a minimal SPA framework

This is a minimal spa (single page application) framework

Insipired by react, vue and svelte

created by petros koulianos

The server has to render only the index page and the framework will fetch and render the components

The index page must have elements with name and component,js, css attributes


<component html="components/layout/header.html" js="components/layout/header.js" css="components/layout/header.css"></component>

The html attribute is required for the framework to fetch the component from the server

The html attribute must have the route to fetch the component from the server

The js and css attributes are optional and is filled if we need to load js or css files with the component

The js,css attribute must have the route to fetch the js,css files from the server

The framework has a simple router to change the pages inside the application

The router will listen for hash route changes such '/#home','/#term','/#posts/post-1' etc

The framework will render the proper component for example the '#home' route will render the BASE_COMPONENT_DIR/home component and will be renderd at the element with id=main example: <component id=main"/>

The components are lazy this means that the framework will only fetch the components that need to be render

Components can have inner component elements and will be render properly

The framework listen for the index.js page to load and listen for any hash route

If the url has a hash route the framework will render the proper component