
continuous-feedback-app for Web Tehnologies university course :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Developing a web application which enables users to provide continous feedback to an activity


The application must enable users to provide continuous feedback to a course or tutorial.

The application is built on a Single Page Application architecture and is accessible from the browser on the desktop, mobile devices or tablets (depending on user preference).


  • As a professor i can define an activity at a particular date, with a description and a unique access code for the activity. The activity is accessible for a set period of time.

  • As a student, i can input a code to participate in a defined activity. The code can be used for the duration of the activity.

  • As a student who has accessed an activity I have access to an interface split into 4 rectagles each containing an emoticon (smiley face, frowny face, surprised face, confused face). At any time i can press an emoticon to react to the activity. As a student I can add an unlimited number of feedback instances.

  • As a professor I can see the continuous feedback stream, with each feedback instance associated to the time it was generated at. I can only see the feedback as anonymous. For myself the feedback is available both during and after the activity.

Available endpoints so far

Student router: /student-api

/students : Handle get request => response: a json array with all the students

/students/add : Handle post requests to /students/add => add a student to the database

/students/add/:id : Handle delete request to /students/:id => delete a student by its id

/students/:sid/feedbacks : Handle get request to /students/:sid/feedbacks => response: a json array with all the feedback that a student has

/students/:sid/:aid/feedbacks: Handle get request to /students/:sid/:aid/feedbacks => response: a json array with all the feedback that a student has on a specific activity

Group router: /group-api

/groups : Handle get request to /groups => response: a json array with all the groups

/groups/add : Handle post request to /groups/add => using a json body add a group to the db

/groups/:gid/students : Handle get request to /group-api/groups/:gid/students => response: a json array with all the students that that are in a specific group

/groups/:gid/student/add : Handle post request to /group-api/groups/:gid/student/add => create a student and bond it with a group (group identified by id)

Activity router: /activity-api

/activities : Handle get request to /activities => response: a json array with all the activities from the database

/activities/add : Handle post request to /activities/add => add a new activity to the db

/activities/:aid : Handle put request to /activities/:aid => update an existing activity

/activity-api/:aid : // Handle get request to /activity-api/:aid => get activity by id

/activities/:aid/update-count-emoji1 : Handle put request to /activities/:aid/update-count-emoji1 => update an existing activity count for emoji1

/activities/:aid/update-count-emoji2 : Handle put request to /activities/:aid/update-count-emoji2 => update an existing activity count for emoji2

/activities/:aid/update-count-emoji3 : Handle put request to /activities/:aid/update-count-emoji3 => update an existing activity count for emoji3

/activities/:aid/update-count-emoji4 : Handle put request to /activities/:aid/update-count-emoji4 => update an existing activity count for emoji4

Professor router: /professor-api

/professors : Handle get request to /professors => response: a json array with all the professors from the database

/professors/add : Handle post request to /professors/add => add a new professor to the db

/professors/:pid/activites : Handle get request to /professor-api/professors/:pid/activites => response: a json array with all the activities that a professor has

/professors/:pid/activites/add : Handle post request to /professor-api/professors/:pid/activites/add => create an activity and bond it with a professor (professor identified by id)

Feedback router: /feedback-api

/feedbacks : Handle get request to /feedbacks => response: a json array with all the feedbacks from the database

/feedbacks/add : Handle post request to /feedbacks/add => add a new feedback to the db

Dependencies used for this project


npm install --save body-parser -> for parsing JSON objects

npm i --save morgan -> for tracking any request the server is getting || the request is shown in the terminal

npm i --save-dev nodemon -> automatically restart the server when you modify something in the files
						 -> in the package.json I added a start script "start": "nodemon server.js"
		 				 -> just type npm start and the server starts and refreshes by itself

npm install --save express -> for using express in our project


npm i create-react-app -g

create-react-app appname

npm i @material-ui/core

npm i fbemitter

npm i react-router-dom    npm install react-minimal-pie-chart

How to start the server

You will need to go to the project\Server-Backend file and run npm start this will start the backend server on port 8080

Any requests that come in will be shown in the console

How to start the React-app

You will need to go the project\react-frontend file and run npm start this will start the react app on port 8081