
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This is a shell script for creating Cisco CUCM KVM install ISO image, which covers following guide steps 2 to 9

How to create a CUCM .iso image for KVM/Openstack installation:

1. Download bootable .sgn.iso install image from Cisco official webpage, like:


2. Put the image onto Linux host, then mount it to a dir:

$ mkdir /tmp/iso/
$ mount -o loop UCSInstall_UCOS_10.5.2.14901-1.sgn.iso /tmp/iso/

3. cp the iso path to a writeable path:

$ mkdir /tmp/CUCM/
$ rsync -a /tmp/iso/ /tmp/CUCM/

4. check iso content for supported VM platform:

$ ls /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/server_implementation/
$ ls /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/server_implementation/KVM/

5. delete the unneeded VM platform, so that the install process can pick our target platform. For qemu image creat, we need a KVM installation, so delete Openstack and VMWARE, and other hypervisor under KVM, only leave QEMU:

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/server_implementation/
$ rm -rf OpenStack VMWARE
$ cd KVM/
$ ls
$ rm -rf HAL RHEV

6. change the install script, add some debug log to print out the Hardware detection result, and add some error handling to bypass the hardware detect failure:

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/shared/bin/
$ vim hssi_api.sh

## we don't have a model set
## look through the paths for valid models
    echo "Detecting Server Hardware - this can take several minutes" >&2
    searchPaths=$(find $server_implementation_path -noleaf -type f -name api_implementation.sh)
    for impl in $searchPaths ; do
        validation_errors=$($impl detect_and_validate)
        hssi_log "HSSI_API $impl returned $isFound and errors=$validation_errors "
+       echo "HSSI_API $impl returned $isFound and errors=$validation_errors " >&2
        case "$isFound" in
            echo "$($impl HWModel): passed detection validation" >&2
            append_inDataFile_forKey_value $hssi_api_state_file "hardware_implementation_paths" $impl
            hw_model="$($impl HWModel)"
+            "2")
+            echo "$($impl HWModel): passed detection validation" >&2
+            append_inDataFile_forKey_value $hssi_api_state_file "hardware_implementation_paths" $impl
+            hw_model="$($impl HWModel)"
+            ((validated_count++))
+            ;;

This is my version. The "2" case is from the VM install log output we added. So pls change it based on your result.

7. Change the snmp monitoring function "hasHwSnmpMonitoring" in install script. This is from the demo video on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPO75mWN1xw):

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/base_scripts
$ vi ihardware.sh

function hasHwSnmpMonitoring()
-    local method="hasHwSnmpMonitoring"
-    _forwardToSAM $method $@
+    return 1

8. To remove the HWADDR check in network config script, we need to change the install script as follow:

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/server_implementation/KVM/QEMU/shared/bin/
$ mv api_implementation.sh.proposed api_implementation.sh
$ vi api_implementation.sh

    return $rc

+ function postBootHardwareSetup()
+ {
+     local rc=$HSSI_TRUE
+     (super postBootHardwareSetup $*)
+     local src=$?
+     # Abort if there is a critical failure
+     if [ $src -eq 1 ]; then
+         return $src
+     fi
+     rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 2> /dev/null
+     #
+     # remove hwaddr field from config in case mac address changed.
+     #
+     sed -i 's/^HWADDR.*//' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     sed -i 's/^NM_CON.*/NM_CONTROLLED="no"/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     sed -i 's/^ONBOOT.*/ONBOOT="yes"/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     return $rc
+ }

_runtime $@

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/Cisco/hssi/server_implementation/KVM/shared/bin
$ vi shared_implementation.sh

    return $rc

+ function postBootHardwareSetup()
+ {
+     local rc=$HSSI_TRUE
+     (super postBootHardwareSetup $*)
+     local src=$?
+     # Abort if there is a critical failure
+     if [ $src -eq 1 ]; then
+         return $src
+     fi
+     rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules 2> /dev/null
+     #
+     # remove hwaddr field from config in case mac address changed.
+     #
+     sed -i 's/^HWADDR.*//' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     sed -i 's/^NM_CON.*/NM_CONTROLLED="no"/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     sed -i 's/^ONBOOT.*/ONBOOT="yes"/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* 2> /dev/null
+     return $rc
+ }

_runtime $@

9. After finishing all the changes, use the changed version to create a new iso image:

$ cd /tmp/CUCM/
$ mkisofs -o /home/skywalker/CUCM_KVM_10.5.2.sgn.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -R .

10. Use the created iso image to launch a KVM VM and install a CUCM via virt-manager. Then use qemu-img tool to convert a compressed qcow2 image:

$ cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
$ qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O qcow2 test4.img cucm_10.5.2.qcow2

11. Upload the qcow2 image file to controller node and add to open stack:

$ openstack image create "cucm 10.5.2" --file cucm_10.5.2.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public