
Dr. Tak's Real Time Kernel (DTRTK) for the Atmel AVR MCUs. With my minor changes.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Dr. Tak's Real Time Kernel (DTRTK) for the Atmel AVR MCUs
by Tak Auyeung, Ph.D.

This branch (fork?) contains my experiments. It is not useful for general public.

### pouzil by originalni gas: avr-gcc -c -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -D__ASM__ -x assembler-with-cpp -Wa,--gdwarf2  rtk.SX  -o rtk.obj
avr-gcc -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -Wall -c twothread_coop.c -o twothread_coop.obj -DTICK_FREQ=1000 -DISR_FREQ=5000 -DTIMER_ISR=SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2
avr-gcc -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -Wall -c twothread_coop.c -o twothread_coop.obj
avr-gcc -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -D__ASM__ -x assembler-with-cpp -Wa,--gdwarf2  rtk.SX  -o rtk.preprocessed -E
avr-gcc -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -D__ASM__ -x assembler-with-cpp -Wa,--gdwarf2  rtk.SX  -o rtk.obj
../binutils-2.20/gas/as-new.exe -mmcu=atmega128 --gdwarf2 -o rtk.obj rtk.preprocessed
avr-gcc -ggdb3 -mmcu=atmega128 -Wall  rtk.obj twothread_coop.obj -o 2thread-coop.elf

# prekladat s "-Wa,--gdwarf2", viz http://tigcc.ticalc.org/doc/gnuasm.html
# mozna prekladat s "-Wa,--gen-debug", nebo ekvivalentne s "-Wa,-g"
# vyzkouset jestli -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm ma pozitivni nebo negativni vliv

G:\backups\projects\simulavrxx\Debug\simulavr.exe --device atmega128 --gdbserver

avr-objdump --all-headers --disassemble --source --syms 2thread-coop.elf