
RTMP server in Nodejs for live streaming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


See complete tutorial here.

Install ffmpeg for RTMP to HLS transcoding

# On Ubuntu 18.04

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-4
$ sudo apt install ffmpeg

# check version
$ ffmpeg --version

# You can download Windows builds from ffmpeg site.


Change ffmpeg path in node media server configuration to your own installed path.

Also change secret string. It will be used for session encryption.

cd nodeStream && nano /server/config/default.js

const config = {
    server: {
        secret: 'kjVkuti2xAyF3JGCzSZTk0YWM5JhI9mgQW4rytXc',
        port : 3333
    rtmp_server: {
        rtmp: {
            port: 1935,
            chunk_size: 60000,
            gop_cache: true,
            ping: 60,
            ping_timeout: 30
        http: {
            port: 8888,
            mediaroot: './server/media',
            allow_origin: '*'
        trans: {
            ffmpeg: '/usr/bin/ffmpeg',
            tasks: [
                    app: 'live',
                    hls: true,
                    hlsFlags: '[hls_time=2:hls_list_size=3:hls_flags=delete_segments]',
                    dash: true,
                    dashFlags: '[f=dash:window_size=3:extra_window_size=5]'

Install dependencies, build code and run server

$ npm install

# run webpack and watch for changes
$ npm run watch 

# run node server with supervisor and watch for changes
$ npm run start

Streaming with OBS

Go to Settings > Stream. Select Custom service and rtmp:// in server input. Enter your streaming key issued by NodeStream and click Apply. Click start streaming to broadcast your stream.