
set Bing Wallpaper of the Day as your Linux Desktop's wallpaper

Primary LanguageGo

Linux Bing Wallpaper

It sets Bing.com wallpaper of the Day as your Linux Desktop

It supports GNOME (2 and 3), KDE 4 / Plasma 5, XFCE4, MATE, Cinnamon, LXDE(LXQT).


Install golang.

git clone https://github.com/marguerite/linux-bing-wallpaper
cd linux-bing-wallpaper
go build bing-wallpaper.go

Copy the generated bing-wallpaper somewhere (/usr/bin for example)

Run it using cron or systemd user service.

So next time you boot your computer for the first time in a day, it'll update your wallpaper.

Easy commands

    /usr/bin/bing-wallpaper -market=en-US

Example cron usage (crontab -e for your user)

# m h dom mon dow command
* * * * * /usr/bin/bing-wallpaper -market=en-US

Example systemd user service usage

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
cp -r bing-wallpaper.service ~/.config/systemd/user
systemctl --user enable bing-wallpaper
systemctl --user start bing-wallpaper

Known problems

A: On KDE Plasma 5, you have to unlock your desktop to receive wallpaper updates, there's no other way.

B: There is a racing problem when running bing-wallpaper with systemd. systemd can't guarantee to start it after the desktop. So we may not detect the correct desktop thus can't set it to "WM" blindly.

The solution is:

B1: If the desktop information was resolved to null at system start, bing-wallpaper will retry next hour. If still null, then set the desktop to "WM". So for i3/openbox, it will not set your wallpaper immediately.

B2: use my other systemd user services, like checkprocess and network-real-online, to start bing-wallpaper after kde and after network is up and running.

There's no solution for cron for now. But you will hardly meet this case unless you boot your machine exactly at the time the cron service runs.


allow to specify desktop environment.