
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rewrite of bobril-build to .Net Core. Mainly for speed reasons. Massive work in progress.

How to start

yarn global add bobril-build-core


What to do when bb2 failing to start for first time because Github rate limit

Github by default has limit of 60 anonymous requests per hour from one IP. So if it fails you have 2 options, wait or provide token to authenticate as yourself. First read [https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/] how to create your token. Token can have just read only rights, you don't need to select any scopes. Then you can either store it into your user profile directory in .github/token.txt file or set environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.

How to override used version

In package.json create bobril section and set bbVersion to specific version you need. By setting tsVersion you can override used TypeScript for compilation.

"bobril": {
    "bbVersion": "0.9.0",
    "tsVersion": "2.7.1"

List of bobril-build specific warnings and errors

Number Severity Message
-1 Warn Local import has wrong casing
-2 Warn Module import has wrong casing
-3 Error Missing dependency
-5 Error First parameter of b.asset must be resolved as constant string
-6 Error b.sprite cannot have more than 6 parameters
-7 Warn Problem with translation message
-8 Error Translation message must be compile time resolvable constant string, use f instead if intended
-9 Error Hint message must be compile time resolvable constant string
-10 Error Absolute import name must be just simple module name
-11 Warn Fixing local import with two slashes

Package.json - bobril section features

How to enable generating of sprites.ts from all pngs in assets directory

"bobril": {
    "plugins": {
        "bb-assets-generator-plugin": {
            "generateSpritesFile": true

Environmental variables

Disable yarn creating links

Docker on Windows filesystem has limitation in creating links. To workaround this issue create environment variable BBCoreNoLinks with not empty value so bbcore will add --no-bin-links parameter to yarn command line.