- 3 nodes hdp cluster, based on docker containers installed with ambari bluprints:
- Apache Ambari
- Apache Falcon
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hive
- Apache Oozie
- Apache Pig
- Apache Storm
- Apache Tez
- Other software:
- Apache Accumulo
- Apache Spark
- Gluster FS
- Hue
- Install virtualbox
- Install vagrant
$ git clone https://github.com/petro-rudenko/bigdata-toolbox $ cd bigdata-toolbox $ vagrant up
Edit puppet/modules/install/files/3-nodes-bluprint-cluster.json
- Migrate from puppet to master-client (probably salt) in order to sync install 3-party software on nodes.
- Cloud deployment
- Save states of containers to not rebuild whole system.
- Configurable nodes count and custom bluprints.
- Move to ambari shell.