Pinned issues
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Carboxylic acid esterification during specific Methyl Methacrylate formation tick freeze + crash
#604 opened by flynnvali - 2
Write latest chemistry API to GitHub Wiki
#602 opened by MulatramAwA - 0
Certain Blocks can't be Mined and/or Wrench + Block Tagging/Naming Issues
#603 opened by FlamingKetchup - 0
Create: Renewability Compat
#601 opened by Natelolzzz - 0
Destroy removes Create liquid fogs.
#600 opened by lllllllllwith10ls - 0
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methyl salicylate isn't blue
#590 opened by mogutofu - 1
Something about the temperature of vats is bugged
#597 opened by leglegab - 2
Bump amount of Crude Oil
#570 opened by Endericphantom - 1
Logs spamming in server cmd
#594 opened by YuriMontana - 0
Precise temperature control
#596 opened by leglegab - 0
- 0
Chromium and Nickel andesite alloy recipes
#593 opened by flynnvali - 0
Synthetic Armor Trim reward
#592 opened by flynnvali - 0
Direct weak acid neutralization extremely slow
#591 opened by flynnvali - 1
Block of Crocoite
#575 opened by flynnvali - 1
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Fluid conversion in basins
#559 opened by flynnvali - 1
Crash on 1.20.1 server because of drops
#585 opened by mogutofu - 1
DCM and Chloromethane have very low liquid density
#586 opened by flynnvali - 1
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Methane chlorination is not in the lang file
#587 opened by flynnvali - 6
Client crash upon joining server
#588 opened by flynnvali - 5
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Bubble Cap sound event crashes game
#577 opened by flynnvali - 1
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Entering a world or the world creation screen without JEI installed leads to crash
#578 opened by 9thCore - 0
Bubble Cap ponder crashes at several points
#581 opened by 9thCore - 1
Any explosions caused by Destroy instantly crash the game with Savage and Ravage installed
#583 opened by flynnvali - 0
Engineer's Goggles can't read singular Reboiler info after reloading the world
#579 opened by 9thCore - 2
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Crash on create new worlds
#573 opened by MulatramAwA - 2
PMMA Recipe
#554 opened by Endericphantom - 5
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Crash on 1.20.1
#568 opened by mogutofu - 3
Crash when interacting with a villager
#561 opened by Wallum - 1
Unable to boot with latest version of PP Library
#562 opened by flynnvali - 1
Vodka in bottles
#555 opened by Endericphantom - 1
Vat construction balancing changes
#563 opened by flynnvali - 3
When I press esc on JEI's lookup synthesis recipe screen (other buttons may also trigger it) it causes the game to crash.
#556 opened by MC-Nirvana - 0
Make us be able to choose between the copper vat controller texture and the inox vat controller texture
#564 opened by beecannon - 0
Potato starch!
#558 opened by flynnvali - 0
Destroy compatibility with The Factory Must Grow
#557 opened by Komon201 - 1
Water Electrolysis
#553 opened by Endericphantom - 1
About Create Legacy Copper
#552 opened by Catchmons