
A prototype Python program for compiling reduced-size lookup-tables that approximately perform arbitrary function rotations on quantum computers, i.e., single-qubit rotation gates R(x) where the parameter x corresponds a function, evaluated on a binary value stored in a quantum register.

The accompanying paper to this project was submitted and accepted for IEEE Quantum week 2023 (preprint available on arxiv.org).


The code implements the RotationCompiler class. The constructor takes two arguments:

  • a list bit_weights that stores the bit weights of the argument quantum register, e.g., bit_weights = [-0.5, 0.25, ..., 2^(-n)] corresponts to a quantum register of size n that represents 2^n values in the range [-0.5, 0.5[. In contrast, bit_weights = [2^(n-1), ..., 2, 1] corresponds to a register that represents an n-bit integer.
  • a function function to implement the corresponding function rotation R(f(x)).

Most of the computational work takes place in the constructor, which compiles a lookup-table for the given function and transforms its structure such that the circuit can be made approximate with one of the following methods:

  • approximate_up_to_toffoli_count_of(maximum_toffoli_count)
  • approximate_up_to_an_error_of(error_upper_bound)

The first method reduces the circuit depth of the lookup-table until its Toffoli count is smaller or equal maximum_toffoli_count. The second method reduces the circuit depth as much as possible as long as the introduced error is guaranteed to be smaller or equal to error_upper_bound. The methods

  • show_accuracy()
  • show_circuit_size()
  • show_circuit()

can be used in order to print out information about the resulting quantum circuit.

A dictionary that specifies the compiled and approximated circuit can be accessed with the method

  • get_circuit()

The returned dictionary stores the individual controlled rotation gates of the circuit, where each gate is specified by the set of qubits it is controlled by and a parameter that specifies the parameter of the single-qubit rotation. For instance, the key-value pair ({0,3}, 0.5) specifies a rotation gates R(0.5) which is controlled by the first and fourth qubit of the argument register.

A demonstration is implemented at the end of the python script. It is advised to use a version of python of 3.7 or later, as the implementation assumes the order-preserving properties of the dict() data structure.

Important notes

The algorithm that is used for compiling the circuit scales exponentially in the size of the argument register. Therefore, it is advised to choose the length of bit_weights smaller than 14 to ensure quick compilation times. In addition, this version of the program evaluates the function on every value that can be represented by a register with the given bit weights. Consequently, function should be chosen such that it is defined on any such value.