
PetrFD is film database of top 1000 movies and its actors from http://www.csfd.cz

Primary LanguagePython


PetrFD is film database of top 1000 movies and its actors from http://www.csfd.cz

Search page

Welcome page with input field for search in movie and actors

When you click on "Search" button you will be redirected to Search result page



Search result page

Page with search results for Actors and Movies. Contains also link to search homepage.

List of Actors and Movies and links to /actor/{name} and /movie/{name} endpoints


Actor Page

Page contains movies where actor star


e.g. http://localhost:8080/actor/Tom%20Hanks

Movie Page

Page contains list of all actors in the movie


e.g. http://localhost:8080/movie/Forrest%20Gump


App is build on FASTAPI framework with four endpoints described above. Scrapers of http://csfd.cz content are in csfd_scraper.py file. Packages used aiohttp, requests, beautifulsoup. Top 1000 movies is scraped asynchronously and then each movie is scraped in single thread to avoid blocking/DDoS attack. Possible TODO - rewrite it to scrapy or make request in batches via aiohttp. Results from scraping are stored in actors.csv / movies.csv files where from they are loaded to sqlite3 database named petrfd.db.


File database.py contains all methods for loading movies and actors to db as well as for searching in db according to input. Actors and Movies are not changing on CSFD often so I commented out running scraper and loading data to db. Uncomment if you want fresh data.

Flaws of app

Data extraction can be done in better&faster (asynchronous) way - with scrapy as well as data processing does not require middle step via .csv files. But I focus more on design FastAPI app its endpoints and sqlite query. Nature of this data is that they cannot be refreshed often.

All is ready to use via Dockerfile

Commands for docker startup

App run on port 8080. Run commands, when current location is repository:

docker build -t petrfd:1.0 .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 petrfd:1.0